Everyone is welcome!

Partnering with the community to spread God’s love.
Join us for worship every Sunday at 9:00 AM.

2025 Almond Festival Quilt Raffle

About Countryside Community Church

Our Church has graced the corner of Grafton and Fremont in Esparto for almost 100 years, and we are energized with a new vision for serving our community for many more years to come.

We are an informal, fun-loving, open-minded, big-hearted congregation. We seek to experience the transforming love of God in our own lives and in the community around us.

We believe God's Spirit is in everyone, and everyone is loved, valued, and has gifts to share. Whoever you are, whatever your journey, we would love to have you join us!

Hosting community events and carrying on tradition

Angela Kost on fiddle, Steve Fisher and Wally Summ on guitars, welcoming the Almond Festival weekend with top quality country music!

A group of parishioners gathered to fill backpacks with essentials for homeless individuals in Woodland, CA.

Join us for worship or any of our upcoming events. Everyone is welcome.