Church History and Stories
March 2025
1986 started out with a bang, setting a tone for the year with grief.
January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after launching from Cape Canaveral, Florida, killing all seven crew members aboard. The spacecraft disintegrated 46,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.
February 19, 1986, after the eighth day of rain in Northern California, the Sacramento, Cosumnes, Eel, Napa and Russian Rivers and Clear Lake reached flood stage. Flash flood warnings were issued for 10 counties. The Sacramento River was threatening to overflow its levee in Glenn County and in Tehama County the Sacramento River broke though its levee. The high water broke through a cofferdam near Auburn sending 100,000 acre feet of water into Folsom Lake and nearly filling it to its 1 million acre foot capacity. The lake rose to within 2 inches of the top of Folsom Dam, forcing officials to release the largest volume of water in its 31 year history into the American River - 125,000 cubic feet per second.
April 26, 1986, a reactor exploded at the Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine, releasing radioactive material across Europe. This is still considered the worst nuclear disaster in human history.
Astronomers have now linked the Halley comet’s appearances to observations dating back more than 2000 years. Halley was last seen on February 9, 1986 at its closest point to the sun and in March when the European spacecraft Giotto became one of the first spacecraft to encounter and photograph the nucleus of a comet, passing and imaging Halley’s nucleus as it receded from the sun; and April 8 & 9, 1986 when it was crossing the Milky Way. It will return in 2061 on its regular 75 year journey around the sun.
March 11, 1986. Session Minutes. Moderator - Pastor Mark Hollingsworth. Elders present - Joe Haden, Linda Mitchell, Mary Anne Schaupp, Ray O’Neal, Suzanne Riley and Henry Van der Stoel. Mark requested permission to baptize Cliff Garrison,III, and Benjamin Cooper. A motion by Mary Anne, second by Joe and carried.
The Christian Youth Group will be going to Disneyland on March 22 - 27th. Russ and Linda Mitchell will be taking about 12 fifth and sixth graders to the snow on March 21 & 22, 1986.
Nancy Hollingsworth is organizing a prayer chain group.
The Session elected a new President and Secretary for the Board of Trustees. Henry Van der Stoel as President and Tom Wicks as Secretary. Meeting closed with prayer.
March 23, 1986. Special Session Minutes. Prospective new members Nancy Hollingsworth and Helen Stephens told of their faith in God and their desires to be members of this church. Nancy joining by transfer of membership and Helen by re-affirmation of faith. Melissa Mast explained her reasons for not joining at this time. Don Warren moved that we receive Nancy and Helen into membership of this church. Seconded. Unanimous vote in favor. Meeting adjourned.
May 13, 1986. Session Minutes. Pastor’s report. Mark will be doing 3 weddings this month. Motion by Don to approve 2 of them in the church. Motion carried.
Mary Anne moved to have a policy that youth’s not be able to drive while on any church youth functions. Seconded and carried. Linda will be leaving her position in Christian Ed to allow her more time for evangelism work.
Mark will be presenting Robin Han, a graduating senior in our church with a gift and a prayer from the church. A suggestion from Rose Russell that we support Nancy Schaupp with a $100.00 donation from the church for her Christian education. The motion by Don, seconded by Mary, carried.
A motion by Linda to change from communion wafers back to bread. Seconded by Suzanne, carried.
A motion by Linda to give Christian Ed teachers a gift, not to exceed $75.00, and a card for a job well done. Seconded by Don, carried. Meeting closed with prayer.
June 10, 1986. Session Minutes. Pastor’s report. Mark requested approval to baptize Matthew Warren. Motion seconded by Suzanne, carried. A New Members Class will be starting in June.
A motion by Don to approve Mark’s vacation and study leave August 4 -29, 1986. Seconded and carried. John Reimers will be the pulpit supply on August 10, 17, 24, 1986. Mary Anne moved to approve extra money for Mark to stay in a motel while on study leave. Seconded and carried.
The church secretary will be leaving. Motion by Mark to advertise for a new one, and pay $50.00 per week for 8 hours, work hours to be flexible. Mark will add a probationary to the job description - carried.
Jim Mast will fix the fence on the east side of the church.
There will be no Regular Session meetings during July and August. Meeting closed with prayer.
June 20, 1986. Special Session Minutes. To Hire a Secretary. Mark has found a new secretary, Laurie Harlow, and would like approval to hire her. A motion by Joe to approve, second by Don. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Tom Wicks, Clerk of Session.
July 29, 1986. Special Session Minutes. Bids for Roof Repair.
Special Request: Mark would like to go on his vacation earlier than planned. July 31 - August 24th. Motion to accept by Joe Haden. Seconded and carried.
Don presented bids for the construction of a new roof. The cost came to $19,625.00 total. Motion by Mark to not go ahead with the roof bid; second by Don, carried. There was some discussion as to what to do with the leaking roof. Joe, Don and Mark will work on a program to deal with the leaking roof. A motion by Mark to go ahead with some patching; second by Mary Lewis, carried. A fall work day is planned for September.
A motion to put dead bolts in the Manse. Seconded and carried. Respectfully submitted, Tom Wicks.
September 9, 1986. Session Minutes. Pastor Hollingsworth, Don Warren, Joe Haden, Suzanne Riley, Tom Wicks, Henry Van der Stoel attended.
A letter received from Mary Lewis to resign from Session. Motion to accept by Joe, second and carried. Session agreed not to replace her until the Annual Congregational Meeting.
Mark has 3 people for the new Member Class September 15th. There are plans for a fall Stewardship campaign dinner November 9th after worship.
Christian Ed: There will be an Open House September 28th after church. Sunday School teachers convention is on October 10 -11. Would like approval to send 12 people at a cost of $10 each. Motion by Mark, seconded and carried.
Memorial Committee. Mark reports the addition of a cross to the church. New flags will be purchased for the platform.
Joe Haden will be checking into putting spotlights around the windows of the church.
Mark asked for approval to take an offering for Peace Making in church on October 5th. Seconded and carried. Meeting closed with prayer.
October 14, 1986. Session Minutes. The meeting was opened with prayer by Joe Haden and Pastor Mark read from Colossians 3:12-17.
The first order of business was to introduce prospective members Pat Harrison and Russell Strong. Both Pat Harrison and Russell Strong professed their faith in knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A motion by Joe and second by Don to accept Russell Strong as a member and be anointed with oil, to accept Pat Harrison by baptism and membership, and by children’s baptism accept Jennifer Harrison during church on October 29, 1986. Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report: Mark expressed appreciation for the recent workshops and overnight Pastor’s retreat that he attended. A lecture series at U.O.P. in Stockton on “Sexual Abuse” and the Evangelism Retreat in Auburn. The main focus at the Evangelism retreat was:
The Pastor is the key role person for the church to evangelize.
The relationship between the evangelist and God is most important.
“Where there is a passion, there is a method.” Passion to reach out to others with good news of Jesus Christ.
Worship report: There will be no change in the size of the cross in the Sanctuary at this time.
The Memorial Committee will look into a cross for the outside of our church. Janet Hayes to report at a later date. Ruth Circle will work on banners to put on the right-hand side of Sanctuary wall.
Relationship with Christian Youth Group: The Christian Youth Group is an outreach of Countryside Church, however, it is not directed by the church and is therefore not under the CE Committee or direction of the Pastor. The church supports and encourages what the group is doing in the areas of drug and alcohol prevention, self esteem awareness, fellowship and outreach, however, it is to be clarified to Session that the group is non-denominational and its primary focus is not religion. All business or approvals necessary should be presented to Session directly by leaders and will not need to go through the channels of the CE Committee, since the program operated independently of other CE programs.
Respectfully submitted, Linda Mitchell for Tom Wicks, Clerk of Session.
February 2025
The Yolo County Archive was founded in 1985. It is the official repository for Yolo County records. The collection contains records dating from 1850 to the present from various Yolo County agencies and departments as well as family collections from community members and local businesses. The materials include maps, blueprints, photos, manuscripts, newspapers, yearbooks, and other published books and articles.
July 13, 1985, two Live Aid concerts took place. One at Wembley Stadium in London, where Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially opened Live Aid; and the other in John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia. The world wide rock concert raised over $100 million dollars for famine relief in Africa.
March 1985. Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union. November 19, 1985 in Geneva, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union Leader Mikhail Gorbachev met for the first time to attempt to end the Cold War. Four years later, the Cold War was over. The USSR and the US had peacefully and abruptly achieved an astonishing political settlement.
December 11, 1984. Session Minutes. A motion by Ruth McGinnis and seconded by Henry Van der Stoel to hire a temporary custodian through January for 10 hours a week. A motion was made by Jean Errington and seconded by Don Warren that the secretary and custodian positions not be held by the same person. Both motions carried. Henry Van der Stoel had a concern about the amount of time spent on the sermon at worship hour by Rev. Anderson. Too much time is spent on announcements and not enough time on worship. Also that the children taking part in communion were not understanding what it was all about and were playing with the communion elements. He also had a concern about Rev. Anderson having a checking account with the Countryside Church and his name on the checks. He felt it was not proper for Rev. Anderson to have such an account. Rose Russell had some concerns about the role of a session member and stated that at times the Session was not attending to business like with financial matters, etc. And that some of the members of Session felt that they were not doing business in the best interest of the whole church.
January 2, 1985. Session Minutes. Pastors report. Rev. Anderson informed the Session that he has taken a position at the Roseville church as associate pastor and requested the Session to accept the dissolution of his pastoral relationship here at Countryside Church effective February 1, 1985. The Session voted to approve Rev. Anderson’s request. Rev. Anderson reported he would be on Study leave January 4th - 9th in Dallas, Texas. There is a balance of $345 in the study leave budget. Nomination Report. It was reported that the following persons are being considered for recommendation for elders: Suzanne Riley, Linda Mitchell, Ray O’Neal and Tom Wicks. Rev. Anderson has informed the congregation of his decision to accept the Roseville Church associate pastor position and requested that they accept the dissolution of his pastoral relationship with Countryside Church effective February 1, 1985. He requested Don Warren take this request to the Presbytery of Sacramento at the February 2nd meeting. The congregation approved his request. Henry Van der Stoel and Linda Mitchell will serve on the Interim Pastor seeking committee.
January 18, 1985. Annual Congregation Minutes. Present were 18 members and 1 guest. Rev. Anderson moderated. Minutes from the 1984 Annual meeting were dispensed with. The reports were approved from all the groups and finances. A motion was made to elect Ray O’Neal, Tom Wicks, and Suzanne Riley as Elders for the Class of 1988 and Linda Mitchell for a one year term Class of 1986. The motion carried. The congregation voted to elect Don Warren as church treasurer, Linnea Herger as financial secretary and Eileen Raymond as Memorial Fund treasurer.
February 19, 1985. Special Session Minutes. The purpose: to review the procedure in selecting an interim pastor and to elect officers for the Nominating Committee. Rev. Boyd Stockdale moderated. Rev. Stockdale stated that (1) An interim pastor is hired for a period of 90 days. It can be renewed for up to 9 months or a year. (2) The church should make up a list of duties that they want the interim to follow. (3) The local church should consider the salary according to the duties.
The Nominating Committee: (1) Should have no more than eleven and not less than 7 persons. (2) Should be of various age groups representative of the congregation. (3) Sacramento Presbytery will have a Mr. Peter McKnight serve as a liaison person. The Session voted for the following persons to serve on the committee from Session: Clarence Schaupp, Chairman, and Henry Van der Stoel. Ruth McGinnis and Mary Lewis were elected at the annual meeting. The Session called for a special congregational meeting on March 17th following the service to elect the Pastor Seeking Committee. The meeting closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
March 12, 1985. Session Minutes. Report of the Interim Pastor Committee: Henry Van der Stoel reported that Rev. David Newquest would come to preach on March 24, 1985. They voted to have a potluck dinner with Guinda on Saturday night March 23rd. Rev. and Mrs. Newquest will be our guest and we will be given an opportunity to meet them.
Officer Nominating Committee Report: The committee talked with the following persons to serve on the Pastor Seeking Committee: Rose Russell, Gerry Warren, Mary Anne Rooney, Mary Anne Schaupp, Henry Van der Stoel, Ray O’Neal and Linda Mitchell. The committee would like to have a Junior member under 21 as recommended.
April 16, 1985. Session Minutes. Pastor Dave Newquest, Moderator. First order of business was the letter of resignation from Session member and Clerk of Session, Jean Errington. Motion by Don Warren and second by Robert Hayes to accept with appreciation and regrets; and to instruct the clerk to write a letter of appreciation to Jean. Motion carried. Pastor Newquest appointed Clarence Schaupp to serve as temporary Clerk of Session. Action approved by affirmation.
Report of Treasurer: About $30,000 in savings, of which $18,000 is a certificate that will roll over at 10% interest. Items over budget are Pulpit Supply, Leadership Training and office equipment. Pastor Newquest requested his $1350 monthly salary be reconstructed as follows:
$200 monthly to a self employed Keogh account
$650 monthly to repay a Keogh loan
$150 monthly to be designated as “supplies”
$350 monthly to be designated as salary.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer's report. Motion carried. The Pastor’s request for reducing his salary from $1350 to $350 with balance placed in Keogh accounts and supplies was considered next. Considerable confusion expressed about Keogh accounts and reservations about the supplies account. A motion by Ray O’Neal, seconded by Robert Hayes to approve the plan. Motion passed by majority with Suzanne Riley and Clarence Schaupp abstaining.
New Business: A motion by Linda Mitchell and seconded by Suzanne Riley to hire Chris Van der Stoel on a trial basis as custodian. Discussion expressed concern by several Elders of his age and ability. The motion carried with a majority and with one no and one abstention. Meeting closed with prayer by Pastor Newquest. Respectfully submitted, Clarence Schaupp, Clerk Pro Tem
August 5, 1985. Session Minutes. Don Warren presented a bid to have the stained glass windows repaired for $1,800. A motion was made and seconded to go ahead with the work, but to make 2 reference calls. Motion carried unanimously. Don Warren moved that the church purchase the materials needed to seal the roof of the Christian Ed building and have a local person do the work (Russell Hicks). Motion carried. A motion was made by Linda Mitchell to have a Christian Youth Group at Countryside and to be led by Cathy Wicks and Tammy Fullerton. Seconded by Suzanne Riley and motion carried. Linda Mitchell also made motions to give the Youth Group a starting bank account of $50 and to provide $100 for paint and posters after Session approves the content. Linda Mitchell moved to have an Adult Bible Study, to be led by Rev. Newquest, from 9/11/1985 - 12/11/1985 on Wednesday nights. Motion was seconded and carried.
September 10, 1985. Session Minutes. Pastor Seeking Committee. Mary Anne Schaupp reported that the Pastor Selection Committee attended the Presbyterian Church in West Sacramento on September 8th to hear prospective Pastor Mark Hollingsworth. The Committee highly recommended Mark and requested that a congregational meeting be held on September 29th directly after hearing Mark from the pulpit. Motion by Don Warren and second by Clarence Schaupp was made and carried. Peter McKnight will be asked to moderate. A potluck dinner will be served by Session members to meet Mark on the evening of September 28th. A motion by Clarence Schaupp to extend Pastor David Newquest’s call for one month to October 31, 1985. Motion was seconded and carried. Respectfully submitted, Clarence Schaupp, Clerk Pro Tem.
September 29, 1985. Special Congregational Meeting. A special congregational meeting was held following the regular service to vote on the Pastor Seeking Committee’s candidate for a new pastor. Rev. Peter McKnight was moderator. Mark Hollingsworth was the candidate. After some discussion regarding the process of selection by Rev. McKnight, Mark was questioned by the congregation. A vote was taken: 29 voted for and 2 against. Mark would be coming in as the new pastor on December 8, 1985. The nomination committee was dismissed. Respectfully submitted, Tom Wicks, Clerk of Session.
October 6, 1985. Special Session Minutes. Purpose: To receive new members. Present: Pastor Newquest, Henry Van der Stoel, Suzanne Riley, Don Warren, Linda Mitchell and Tom Wicks. New members: Carmen Rice on reaffirmation of faith; Cindy Brock on confession of faith; Joe and Ella Hayden on transfer of letter from United Coventry, Davis; Wayne, Marilyn and Jeff Yarbrough on reaffirmation of faith. A motion was made by Don Warren to accept them all as members, second by Suzanne Riley. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting was closed with prayer. Tom Wicks, Clerk of Session.
January 2025
February 7, 1984. Navy Captain Bruce McCandless became the first human to perform an untethered spacewalk while in orbit 170 miles above the Earth. He exited the U.S. space shuttle Challenger and maneuvered freely using a bulky white jet pack of his own design 320 feet from the shuttle. He brought the jetpack to a halt and became a human satellite, orbiting the Earth in tangent with the shuttle traveling at 23 times the speed of sound. He felt no sense of movement until he looked down and saw the earth rotating like a pin-sharp relief map unspooling at four miles per second. After about an hour and a half he re-entered the shuttle.
The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition was a world’s fair held in New Orleans from May 12 to November 11, 1984. It was held 100 years after the city’s earlier world’s fair, the World Cotton Centennial in 1884. The theme, “The World of Rivers: Fresh Water as a Source of Life”, showcased the vital role of freshwater systems. As of 2024, there has not been a world’s fair in the U.S. since the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition.
February 14, 1984. Session Minutes. Pastor’s Report. Youth Bash at Westminster Woods - Rev. Anderson requested that the church share the cost with the youth planning to attend. He would like six youths to attend. Pastor’s Study Leave - Rev. Anderson requested study leave April 4 - 10, 1984, to attend a seminar in Lodi sponsored by San Francisco Seminary and also to attend School of Evangelism of Billy Graham on October 15 - 18, 1984 and possibly a trip to the Holy Land. A motion was made and seconded to approve his study leave plan for a total of 4 weeks. The Junior High Youth are making plans for a trip to DisneyLand. Rev. Anderson reported due to some technicality of him being considered self-employed, the Session voted to pay additional salary to Rev. Anderson in-lieu of the social security in the amount of 7%.
February 28, 1984. Special Session Minutes. A Special Meeting was held to consider participating in the Sacramento Presbytery New Church Development. Ms. Feenor made the presentation on the plans that Presbytery has made for a three year project to earn funds for new churches in the Sacramento Presbytery area. After some discussion the Session voted to participate in the project for the three years with a goal set at an annual giving of $900, totaling $2700 over the three years. Funding would be from special gifts and not from the general fund. A chairman will be selected at a later date.
March 13, 1984. Session Minutes. Pastor’s Report. Four youths attended the Youth Bash, three from Countryside and one from Guinda. The students enjoyed themselves and it was a good weekend. Rev. Anderson requested approval to use his study leave in San Diego attending Institute of Pastoral studies June 11 - 15, 1984 for $85. Topic is Christian Counseling. Session voted approval.
Special Request: Robin and Jeanne Han were present for a short time during the meeting. Robin Han has been selected to attend the National 4-H Citizenship trip to Washington D.C. representing Yolo County. She has to raise the funds for the trip herself and she was requesting help in raising the funds. After Robin and her mother, Jeanne, left the meeting the Session voted to contribute $75.00 considering this as a local mission from the church.
July 17, 1984. Session Minutes. A letter was received from Mrs. Beth Phillips and Mrs. Linda Creamer requesting the use of a room for a special class, tutoring 5 students for two hours. The class would be held during regular school hours. A motion was made by Don Warren and seconded by Clarence Schaupp to approve the use only on a letter from the Esparto Unified School District Board of Trustees approving the class. The Session would work out the details after the approval from the school trustees has been received.
September 11, 1984. Session Minutes. Communications. A Letter from Superintendent of the Esparto Unified School District, Mr. Doug Martin, requested the use of a classroom for a special education class with approximately 12 students. The class would be held Monday through Friday from 8:15 - 3:15 pm through October 31, 1984. After some discussion, Don Warren moved to approve the request with the school district making a donation for the use. Motion was seconded by Henry Van der Stoel and approved. A letter from Sierra Mission Area Office concerning reporting of the New Church Development pledges and collections.
Rev. Anderson reported that he would be officiating at two marriages in September. Richard Nichols and Deborah Mathies on September 15th, and Gregg and Deborah Stephens on September 29th.
Rev. Anderson reported that he would be on vacation September 21 - 24. He will be on study leave September 17 - 20, October 5 & 6, October 15-21, 1984, and that he will have used 3 weeks of study leave with 3 weeks left and with approximately $700 left in funds.
October 9, 1984. Session Minutes. Communications. A Letter from Synod of the Pacific regarding a workshop on Homosexuality.
Pastor’s Report. Rev. Anderson reported that he did not use September 17 - 20 or October 5 & 6 as planned for study leave and requested time on November 7, 12 and 13 instead. Also requested that when he takes study leave on October 15 - 21, to include October 22 - 25 as vacation time. Session approved the request.
Rev. Anderson reported that Don Warren, Henry Van der Stoel and Lonnie Hemphill had met with the Guinda church Board and that the Guinda Church would like to change the arrangement for the Pastor’s time to one quarter time instead of the one third time. This would reduce the time-share and the financial percentage paid by Guinda for the support of the pastor.
Don Warren reported that this committee also recommended that the Pastor’s salary be increased by 4.6% in the budget for 1985. After some discussion the Session appointed Don Warren, Clarence Schaupp and Rev. Anderson to work out a tentative budget and anticipated income for 1985 and for a special session meeting on Sunday October 28th, following the worship hour to go over it and be able to make a recommendation to the congregation.
Nurture Committee. Rev. Anderson reported that there will be a C.E. Convention in Sacramento and requested $50 for leadership training so that 5 teachers would be able to attend. Session voted approval. Rev. Anderson reported that the 7th and 8th grade class would be going camping at Solano Park near Winters October 14th & 15th. The Junior High Class would like permission to sponsor a fundraising dinner here at the church to raise funds for the Esparto School District Jr. High Sports program to buy uniforms. This would be an outreach to the community as a service from the church school youth. The Session voted their permission to hold the fund raiser dinner. The Jr. and Sr. High youth classes will be going skating in Woodland in November.
Rev. Anderson requested study leave on January 7 - 11, 1985 to attend Congress on Renewal in Dallas, Texas. Session voted their permission to go.
October 28, 1984. Special Session Minutes. Purpose to go over the proposed budget for 1985. Members present were Moderator, Rev. Frank Anderson, and Elders Henry Van der Stoel, Don Warren, Robert Hayes, Ruth McGinnis, and Jean Errington. Don Warren presented 2 budgets, a bare bones budget in the amount of $47,495 and a challenge budget in the amount of $54,195. Both budgets included a salary increase for the Pastor and Sec/Cust of 4.6%. After some discussion the Session could not come to any agreement on either of these budgets as a recommendation to the congregation. A motion was made by Don Warren and seconded by Ruth McGinnis that three budgets be presented to the congregation at a special called congregational meeting to be held on November 18th following a potluck stewardship dinner. The three budgets to be presented will be the 1984 budget and the bare bones budget and the challenge budget as prepared by Don, Clarence and Frank. The motion was approved and so ordered.
Rev. Anderson made a request on behalf of Linnea Herger and I. King to use the church basement social hall for a party for the youth on Halloween night. This would be a party by invitation and the youngsters would not be allowed to run in and out of the party. The Session voted to approve the use of the room for the party and to waive the use fee. They are responsible for cleaning up the room and leaving it in good order.
Being no other business, the meeting was closed with prayer by Henry Van der Stoel.
November 18, 1985. Special Congregational Minutes. A special congregational meeting was held for the purpose of approving a budget for 1985. The meeting was opened with prayer and a quorum was present. Rev. Anderson moderated the meeting.
Don Warren presented three proposed budgets to the members: a challenge budget, a bare bones budget, and the same budget as 1984. Don also reviewed the anticipated income for 1985 with a dollar amount of $39,800.
Before discussion Rev. Anderson excused himself from the meeting so the members could review his salary. Jean Errington requested to read a letter to the congregation requesting her resignation as an employee of the church, to have the month of December as a vacation with pay. Resignation to be effective December 31, 1984. The congregation stated their regrets on Jean’s decision to resign.
A time was spent discussing the Pastor’s salary and expenses and how he spends his time. Reviewed the three budgets with great concern on the elimination of some of the programs from the bare bones budget and in the funds allocated to general mission. A motion by Cathy Wicks and seconded by Linda Mitchell that the $2500 listed under General Mission be changed and allotted as follows: $500 to youth mission and $2000 for local and general mission. The motion carried.
A written ballot was taken to choose which Budget the congregation would accept for 1985.
The vote was as follows: 4 votes for the 1984 budget; 14 votes for the 1985 bare bones budget; and 2 votes for the 1985 challenge budget. The Bare Bones budget was accepted which included a salary increase for Rev. Anderson.
Following the vote, Rev. Anderson returned to the room. Since Rev. Anderson was out of the room before Jean Errington resigned, Don Warren informed him of her action.
The members of Session present requested a special session meeting immediately following the congregational meeting to take action on Jean’s request.
There was no other business for the congregation and the meeting was closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
November 18, 1984. Special Session Minutes. The purpose was to take action on Jean Errington’s resignation as church secretary and custodian.
Members present were Don Warren, Robert Hayes, Lonnie Hemphill, Rose Russell, Ruth McGinnis, Clarence Schaupp, Jean Errington and Moderator Rev. Anderson.
A motion was made by Lonnie Hemphill and seconded by Don Warren to accept Jean Errington’s resignation to be effective December 31, 1984. She will take the month of December as vacation time with pay.
The Session members thanked her for the more than 16 years of service to the church.
It was decided to get some temporary help for the month of December.
The meeting was closed with prayer.
December 2024
January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP).
In 1983, The world’s best selling computer was the Commodore 64, but Radio Shack’s TRS-80 Model 100 computer was the first successful laptop. The first mobile cellular telephone call was established, a new Chevrolet Chevette sold for $7,287, a gallon of gas cost $1.25, and a postage stamp cost 20 cents.
February 26, 1983. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip arrived in California for a few days, meeting with President Ronald Reagan at his Rancho Del Cielo Ranch. They toured San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Yosemite and Sacramento’s Sutter Fort for a historical re-enactment.
June 18, 1983. Dr. Sally Ride, Physicist and first American woman to fly into space. In 1989 she retired from NASA and joined the faculty at UCSD as a Professor of Physics and Director of the University of California’s California Space Institute.
December 9, 1982. Session Minutes. Pastor’s Report. Bob Graham and Dillon Brown, representatives from the Synod Office, were present to evaluate the progress that Countryside has made over the past year and to see if we would still be needing the salary supplement. Rev. Anderson and the Session shared some of the things that have taken place during the year. The Session voted to make a request from Synod and Presbytery for a salary supplement in the amount of $3,000. Rev. Anderson will draft a letter to them. The Long Range Committee reported that it recommends that the Session either purchase new housing or repair the manse. Some members of Session felt that the manse is not worth putting more money into. The Session voted to concur with the committee that there was a need to replace the manse and for the committee to continue to study the options available on replacing the manse and the financing, etc. The Women’s Auxiliary have voted to purchase window blinds for the social hall. Frank suggested that the windows be replaced with aluminum windows with screens on the north side at this time before the blinds are installed. Also to replace the louvered windows in the office and Fireside Room. The cost would be approximately $385 for the windows and $150 for the installation. The Session voted to purchase and install the new windows as Frank suggested. Frank will order them
February 8, 1983. Session Minutes. A Letter was sent to the Synod Office to request the sum of $3000 for pastor’s salary supplement. Frank reported that the Synod has granted the $3000 for 1983. Elizabeth Van der Stoel was chosen by the Christian Youth Group to be a candidate in the 1983 Almond Festival Queen contest. Plans for the Easter Sunrise service will be at the Ranger Station again this year. The Guinda Church will have their breakfast again and everyone is invited. The Session is being reorganized into three groups as follows: 1. Stewardship and Trustees - Don Warren. 2. Worship and Celebration - Rose Russell, Gerry Warren, Eileen Raymond and Madeline Potter. 3. The Nurturing Committee will include Mission, Parish Life, Community Service, Fellowship, Roll of Membership, Christian Ed. - Norma Garrison, Ruth McGinnis, Jean Errington, Clarence Schaupp and Gerry Warren. Evangelism and church growth will be the responsibility of the whole session.
March 15, 1983. Session Minutes. Long Range Committee. Rev. Anderson reported for Janet Hayes, chairperson. The plan is to host a dinner on May 1st. Henry Wells from Sacramento Presbytery will be present. Printed invitations will be sent to members and friends of Countryside. This will be the kick-off for raising $15,000 for improvements to the church facilities. The Session voted to approve the plans.
April 12, 1983. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported that 28 youths went on the snow trip. He reported that he served as minister for four funerals this month. He officiated at the marriage of Jeff Allen Lopez and Cheryl Lynn Young on April 2nd at the American Lutheran Church in Woodland. He reported he has met with some people who are considering joining the church and requested to have a special session meeting on April 19th to receive them. The Long Range Committee reported that Rev. Anderson suggested that some of the funds raised be used for youth ministry, general budget or where needed most. The Session voted to let the Committee decide on how the break-down on the pledge card would be read for receiving these special funds from the fund raising drive. Rev. Anderson received an estimate on the cost of updating the chimes as instructed to do by the Session at their November 9, 1982 meeting. The cost is $600.00. The Session discussed using funds from the Memorial Fund to do the repair work on the chimes.
May 10, 1983. Session Minutes. The following persons were present: Rev. Frank Anderson, and Elders Rose Russell, Don Warren, Norma Garrison, Bob Hayes, Floris Mast, Ruth McGinnis, Clarence Schaupp and Jean Errington. Excused was Joe Bradshaw.
Rev. Anderson presented the following persons for examination by the Session for membership. To be received on reaffirmation of faith - Suzanne Virginia Riley, Eileen Martha O’Neal, Raymond M. O’Neal, Linda Mitchell, Russell D. Mitchell and Thomas Christian Wicks. To be received by letter of transfer Jacoba Catharina Van der Stoel and Hendryk Van der Stoel. Each person had the opportunity to share with the Session. All those present have been worshipping and have been a part of the life of the church for a year or more. The Session voted to receive them as members of the church. They will be received at a public worship service on May 15th.
Rev. Anderson also reported that the Worship service on May 15th would be dedicated to Paul Stephens, Sr. who was a charter member of Countryside and died on May 7, 1983. Rev. Anderson will officiate at the marriage of Howard Aksel Jespersen and Carol Ann Mathies on May 21st at Countryside.
Trustee Report: The Session voted to raise the use fee for the church facilities: Sanctuary $50 use fee and $50 cleaning deposit. Social hall with kitchen privileges $50 use fee and $50 cleaning deposit. The chimes are being repaired and Rev. Anderson suggested that a new electrical box be put in for them. The Session voted for approval
Floris and Ruth Mast’s membership record should be listed on the official record as having joined Countryside Community Church on January 1, 1925. The Mast’s have a certificate to show when they became members. The Session voted to correct the records.
Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
July 7, 1983. Special Session Minutes. The purpose of the meeting was to receive the financial reports for the past quarter and to review the Long Range plan. Session members spent some time discussing the responsibility of the Session when funds are spent. It was a consensus of the Session when a large sum is needed the Session should know. The Long Range Improvement Committee; due to a lack of communication, there was a misunderstanding and there was a need of clarifying the committee’s authority on approval of projects to be done using the Special funds raised and the $15,000 from savings. Rev. Anderson and the committee chairman reviewed the list of projects, giving the estimate of cost for each. Session voted to accept the tentative plans of the Committee’s Report. It was voted that the committee need not come before Session prior to each project, but the committee should report at each Session meeting the progress and anticipated work or changes, cost of project, etc. Being no other business the meeting was closed with prayer.
July 19, 1983. Session Minutes. The meeting was opened with prayer. The minutes of the July 7th meeting were read. A motion was made to amend the minutes to read concerning the payment and purchase of any item over $150.00. The motion was when a purchase is over $150.00, Session is to be advised. The motion was approved. Linda Creamer and Gretchen Adams requested the use of rooms for a Child Care Center. After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded to not grant the request. Motion carried. Long Range Committee report - Janet Hayes reported that the Committee accepted the bid from Hydro Express for sandblasting plus cleaning up of the gutters for $1,200. Accepted the bid of $750 from Woodland Glass for glass work. Accepted to hire Mr. Nesmith to do the carpentry work at $7.00 per hour. They are working on bids for painting the inside and outside of the church and for the raingutters. It has been difficult to find persons interested in bidding on the projects. Session voted to accept the report.
August 16, 1983. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson officiated at the funeral of Elder Floris Mast on July 28th.
Long Range Committee. Roof on the Manse was awarded to Wilson & Son for $1,750, work warranted for 3 years. Roof on the Christian Ed building was awarded to Wilson & Son for $1,750, work warranted for 2 years. They will also work on the lower overhang on the south side for $1000. Sanctuary window cost was $750, reduced by $150 because of the prep work done on the work day by church members. Rev. Anderson and the committee removed the green folding doors in the sanctuary and also all of the wood trim where they were attached.
Interior painting of the Sanctuary was awarded to Town and Country Painting Co. for painting work inside the sanctuary and the outside eaves and trim. Rev. Anderson will paint the manse. Rev. Anderson reported that the overhang on the south side of the C.E. building should be changed to a new roof with a 2/12 pitch so that no water would lay on top. Carpet cleaning in the sanctuary was not part of the plan, but the pews will be removed to be painted. Session voted to have it cleaned professionally.
Memorial Fund. It was recommended that new signatures be added to the Memorial Fund account due to Madeline Bradshaw’s illness. Session approved that Don Warren, Robert Hayes and Jean Errington be added to the account with Madeline Bradshaw and that two persons be required to sign the checks. Session approved for Mr. Vern Swartz to repair and tune the pianos and to have an organ repair person service the organ.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer in memory of our Beloved Brother in Christ, Floris Mast, who died on July 24, 1983. He was a dedicated member and friend. He will be greatly missed by all. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
October 11, 1983. Session Minutes. Church Insurance - Don Warren recommends that Countryside apply to Western Insurance Assoc., Presbytery’s insurance company. The premiums are cheaper than Taber and Warren Insurance. Session approved.
The Long Range Committee written report of income and expenses was reviewed. Total income to date - $16,349.65. Total expenses to date - $11,341.72. Painting will be completed in the sanctuary soon, the total is $4000, and is not included in the above expenses.
Memorial Fund Committee. The Memorial Committee recommends spending the additional $150 to update the chimes. Recommends the purchase of Bibles for the pews plus additional paperback Bibles for approximately $210. Recommends the purchase of an AMP system that the church is trying at a cost of $350. $100.00 has been donated if approved.
Mrs. Alice Stephens would like to have funds received in memory of Paul Stephens used for the outside AMP system for the chimes. The cost is approximately $3,000. The recommendation was to use $1,500 from the Memorial Fund. Mrs. Stephens would donate the balance in Paul’s memory. Don Warren made a motion to accept the recommendations and give the committee permission to make these purchases from the Memorial Fund.
December 13, 1983. Session Minutes. Trustees Report- Bob Hayes reported that he, his sons and two of his working men removed the old water storage tank from under the crawl space in the sanctuary because it was rusted out. They hauled it out to the dump and reconnected the pipes. The rain gutters are being installed. He helped Frank move his equipment from the storage room to the Warren barn. He donated rice for the Christmas food baskets. The lower awning on the C.E. building will be fixed soon.
Frank reported that the basement walls are leaking again.
The chimes - Frank reported that the repair on the chimes was $786, paid by the Memorial Fund. The amplification system including speakers and drivers has been installed. The Memorial Fund paid $1,375. Mrs. Alice Stephens gave a check for $1,000 to the Memorial Fund to help pay the balance. The other part of the system is on consignment for a period of two months as noted by Don Warren. Funds must be raised for this last part or they will be removed. Meeting was adjourned with prayer.
November 2024
Republican Attorney General George Deukmejian defeated Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and became the 35th Governor for California.
March 29, 1982, North Carolina Freshman Michael Jordan(19 years old) makes a 16 foot jump shot with 15 seconds left in the game to give the Tar Heels a 63 - 62 win over Georgetown for the NCAA Tournament championship. The winning shot cemented Jordan in national consciousness and he went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history, winning 6 NBA titles with the Chicago Bulls.
August 1, 1982. Hank Aaron, Frank Robinson, Travis Jackson and Happy Chandler were inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
September 29, 1982. Gabriel Garcia Marquez won the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature, “ his novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly composed world of imagination, reflecting a continent's life and conflicts" His most prominent and important works included “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Love in the Time of Cholera”.
January 12, 1982. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported that he is still working with the Sierra Stone Co. about the repair work on the upstairs walkway.
The Session approved hiring Mark Vanderwater to repair the handrail in the church and replace the doors on the west and south side of the church, to put railings across the windows in the upstairs classroom to protect the children from falling through the glass, and to remove the old water fountain in front of the church and install a faucet instead. Session also approved hiring Mark Roath to work with Rev. Anderson’s direction on fixing the large window casings upstairs in the church. He suggested renting a scaffolding. He also reported that Mr. Knolle wanted $298 for labor to install the security lights.
February 9, 1982. Session Minutes. Frank presented the Church Information form to the Session. After some discussion the Session voted to recommend the form be sent to Sacramento Presbytery and that the Session make a recommendation to the Congregation at a meeting on March 21st to extend the call as pastor to Rev. Frank Anderson. A special meeting would be needed. A letter was sent to Synod regarding the supplementary salary plan. A return letter was received outlining the steps needed in making this request. A letter to the Strategy and Development Committee noting the present salary and requesting the difference in the form of a salary supplement and copies of the church budget. The committee will meet with the Session to explain the obligation of the Session and the Presbytery during the year the salary supplement is received.
Frank requested permission to attend the Methodist National School of Evangelism March 1 - 5; permission to attend a marriage counseling seminar in Sacramento on March 29 - 30 and for the the church to pay the registration fee of $75; and to use some of his study leave and attend Presbyterian Pastors Seminar at Mount Herman on April 19 - 23. Session approved his requests.
Frank reported the Sierra Stone Company will make good the work on the walkway and stairs. A different type of material will be used. The cost will be $1000 (the original cost was $773). The railing on the ramp needs repair. Frank offered to install the security lights in the spring if the church would rent scaffolding. He could install lights and repair the big window in the sanctuary. Session approved the purchase of the lights and to rent the scaffolding.
March 9, 1982. Session Minutes. A representative of Sierra Stone Co. came to explain the problem concerning the covering applied to the walkway and the stairs. The first material was defective.They offered to use a different material of small rock and epoxy, about ½” thick. After Session was assured that the structure was strong enough to carry the load and it would be easy to clean, they voted to approve the installation on the walkway and stair landings. The steps will be redone with the sand and epoxy material. The cost will be $1000.00.
March 21, 1982. Special Congregational Meeting. A Special Congregational Meeting was called for the purpose of extending the call of Rev. Frank Anderson as permanent pastor of Countryside Community Church. The meeting was moderated by Rev. Dick Wylie of Sacramento Presbytery. A quorum was present with 27 communicant members present. Rev. Wylie called for the report of the Session and Jean Errington read the recommendation to the congregation from the session extending the call to Rev. Frank Anderson as permanent pastor, and she read the terms of the call. The moderator asked the question: “Are you ready to proceed to the election of a pastor?” The members responded, “Yes.” The moderator instructed those present that only communicant members are to vote. The clerk passed out the ballots. Gerry Warren served as teller with the clerk. Tally of the vote was 27 yes and no nays, the vote was unanimous. On report of the voted to the moderator, Rev. Wylie, having moderated the congregational meeting which extended the call, was made in complete conformity with the Form of Government and the persons signing the call are authorized to do so by the vote of congregation. Rev. Frank Anderson was presented to the congregation. He stated his appreciation and hopes for the future of Countryside Community Church. The meeting was closed with prayer.
June 8, 1982. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported termites have been found in various parts of the CE Building. Constant Termite and Terminex Co. have given us estimates. Session voted for Frank to get an estimate from John Reddock also to see if that bid is lower than the rest. Frank reported that the Long Range Improvement Committee recommended the following: accepting the bid for the carpet in the CE building at $2921.91; getting sod for the courtyard; installing a wall in the upstairs room on the east end (make 2 rooms); painting the railings and stairways and panels; installing a concrete walkway on the east side of the church and CE building (they received a promise of funds for this project). The session accepted the recommendations except for the installing of the room divider.
July 13, 1982. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported the bid received from John Reddock was the highest. The lowest bidder was Constants Pest Control. They have completed the work. An air conditioner was purchased for the manse. The carpet was laid in the social hall and the nursery room. The rest will be installed later. A financial report was presented by Don Warren. Accumulated expenses for the first half of the year are $24,475.27 and income was $25,250.76, this includes withdrawal from savings of $3000 and interest from savings $686.78. Session voted to accept the report. They shared some concern about over-spending our budget.
August 17, 1982. Special Session Minutes. A special session meeting was called by Rev. Anderson for the purpose of evaluating and taking action on the letters received from Bill and Suzie (Ann) Rominger. Bill’s letter stated that he felt that Rev. Anderson was not good for Countryside and the Session should evaluate his theology. The meeting was opened with prayer. Members present were Rev. Anderson, and Elders Joe Bradshaw, Tom Spiva, Don Warren, Bob Hayes, Mary Lewis, Rose Russell, and Jean Errington. Excused was Ruth McGinnis. Absent was Henning Erickson. A quorum was present.
The clerk read the letters from the Romingers (It was noted here that Bill and Suzie Rominger are both on the inactive rolls here at Countryside Church).
Rev. Anderson read from the Book of Order for the Presbyterian Church, Chapter 1, Preliminary Principles and each member of Session had the opportunity to re-read the letters. After discussion and deep concern about the content of the letters, the Session voted to send a letter to Bill and Suzie Rominger expressing the Sessions support for Rev. Anderson and their appreciation for the positive ministry here at Countryside Community Church. Also inviting them to meet with Rev. Anderson and an active member of Session to personally express their concern.The clerk of session was instructed to write this letter with the help of Rev. Anderson. Being there was no other business the meeting was closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
September 14, 1982. Session Minutes. A second letter was received from Suzie Rominger requesting action to completely remove her name from the inactive roll of the church. The Session voted to remove her name completely from the rolls - she has made no effort to communicate with the pastor. Frank reported on the film series planned for Sunday evenings during November and December to be shown at the Esparto High School Auditorium (the school has granted approval of use). All churches in the Esparto, Madison, Guinda area as co-host. No charge to the public for the movies, just the opportunity for free-will offering at the entrance of the auditorium. Frank suggested participating in the Heifer Project - The Session voted to accept the plan to appropriate $200 from the mission fund for same. Frank reported that the Principal and Superintendent of the Esparto schools have requested him to serve as a campus counselor on Wednesday mornings. The Session voted to incorporate our Founder’s Day celebration with World Communion Sunday with a potluck lunch and home-made ice cream.
The Session is concerned with the quality of the new carpet and the company has been contacted. They will make satisfactory restitution for the carpet.
The meeting closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro-tem, Ruth McGinnis.
October 2024
The first inauguration of Ronald Reagan as the 40th president was held on January 20, 1981 at the West Front of the White House. It was the first inauguration to be held on the building’s west side.
March 30, 1981. An assassination attempt on President Reagan by John Hinkley who fired a revolver 6 times, injuring the President and critically injuring Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy and Police Officer Thomas Delahanty. All injured persons recovered and President Reagan returned to office after twelve days in hospital.
YoloArts (formerly known as the Yolo County Arts Council), a non-profit organization, founded in 1981 as a recommendation of the Yolo County Cultural Plan to further the arts and culture of the county. Their mission is to cultivate and advocate support for all the arts, to participate in the advancement of arts education in schools and community, and to foster communication among artists, business, education, government and the residents of Yolo County.
May 12, 1981. Session Minutes. A letter from Synod of the Pacific, Boyd Stockdale, concerning the Pastor Seeking Committee. They are requesting the Session have the committee stop working at this time. Action of the Session: The Session voted to write to Mr. Stockdale extending an invitation to the members of the Ministerial Relations Department (Norm Potts, Bob Dooling, Boyd Stockdale, and Bob Graham) to meet with the Session and clarify what “the wide variety of concerns that have been raised.”
Officer Nominating Committee Report: The committee has contacted Henning Erickson and Jean Errington to serve as Ruling Elders. Jean to fill the term of Everett Lisle and Henning to fill the term of Bill Rominger. Norma Garrison to serve as church treasurer. They recommend that these persons be presented to the congregation for election. Also the committee recommends that the by-laws be changed to correspond with the Presbyterian Law book on the election of Ruling Elders as follows:
No ruling elder shall be elected to the session for a term of more than three years nor shall a ruling elder serve on the session for consecutive terms either full or partial, aggregating more than six years. A ruling elder having been elected to the session for consecutive terms aggregating six years shall be ineligible to serve thereon for a further term until at least one year has elapsed from the expiration of the last term for which that person was elected. The Session voted to call for a special congregational meeting on May 31, 1981, following the worship service at 12 noon to present these persons and to change the by-laws.
May 31, 1981. Special Congregational Meeting Minutes. A quorum of members were present. Rev. Anderson moderated. Don Warren recommended Henning Erickson and Jean Errington as ruling Elders to fill the terms of Everett Lisle and Bill Rominger and recommended Norma Garrison to serve as church treasurer. A motion was made and by unanimous ballot the Moderator declared them elected. The nominating committee also recommended the by-laws of the church conform with the Presbyterian Law Book. A motion was made and carried that the by-Laws be changed to conform. Being no other business, the meeting was closed with prayer.
June 16, 1981. Session Minutes. The Sacramento Presbytery Ministerial Relations has changed Rev. Anderson’s call as interim to stated supply for Countryside. Possibly for a one year duration, the committee will meet here in Esparto with the Session to clear some of their concerns and their reason for requesting the CCC pastor seeking committee to discontinue meeting at this time. Meeting will be here at the church on July 2 at 8p.m. all session members are to be present. Presbytery says it wants CCC to have a good appraisal of itself. Rev. Anderson requested that the committee for pastor relationship between Guinda and CCC be reorganized. This is to evaluate the working of the yoke arrangements. Lonnie Barr and Tom Spiva will be on the committee. Mary Anne Schaupp will be contacted. Rev. Anderson has offered his services to work with the high school football team this fall. Session voted to have Valoree Bahlman paint the highway signs for the church and to install the new inserts.
July 14, 1981. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported plans are for a youth event for college and high school ages on July 15th. It will be a social event with a barbecue and showing of a film. He shared his view of the meeting of the Presbytery Ministerial Relations committee which met here on July 2. Plans are for an inter-church relationship committee to meet and set-up recommendations describing pastor’s role and compensation. This committee will be three members from Countryside Session and three from the Guinda Board. Rev. Anderson will serve ex-officio but without a vote. Rev. Anderson stated that he will be moving to Esparto to serve full time…Session took no action on this… as stated in Mr. Anderson’s call as interim pastor in March, his call would come-up for review in September.
September 8, 1981. Session Minutes. Review of Pastor’s Call: Rev. Anderson read a letter from the Guinda Church concerning the share of the pastor's salary. After some discussion Session voted to accept the proposal as follows with the exception of the $50 office expenses. Salary $12,300 - Guinda’s share is $4100 or ⅓; mileage $1800 - Guinda’s share $900 or ½; Pension is $885 - Guinda’s share is ⅓; study leave is $250. The proposal also includes Countryside providing the manse. The value of the manse is figured at $2455. Pension is based on salary and housing - 18% of $14,755. This proposal is effective October 1, 1981 to January 1, 1982 if both churches agree. Financial Report: July income was $4467.22 and expenses were $4812.64. July income includes funds from the Women’s Auxiliary for remodeling the kitchen, $2800 was paid out from the General Fund under kitchen expenses. August income was $2448.04 and expenses were $1774.42. The Jr. Girl Scouts requested use of a room again for their meetings. Betty Koeppen is the leader. Session voted for permission and waived the use fee. The Session approved the Ruth Circle to have a door-way and door installed between the new social hall and class room. The Circle had offered to pay the cost. The Session voted to officially dismiss the pastor seeking committee and send a note of appreciation for their work.
October 13, 1981. Session Minutes. A letter from Synod concerning the Supplementary Salary fund was read. No action was taken at this time.
Rev. Anderson presented the mission design for the church to the Session. The design was compiled from all the information which was gathered at the monthly meetings during the past five months. The design basically calls for a reorganization of the session committees and better commitment by all members of the church. The Session voted to accept the design and present it to the congregation at the stewardship dinner meeting. Also presented to the Session was the list of needs of improvement to the facilities. Rev. Anderson requested for a special meeting with Rev. Stockdale to share with him some of the work progressing here in Esparto and concerning the pastor’s call. All session members are to be present.
Stewardship Report: Don Warren presented the challenge budget for 1982. Total budget comes to $41,830. This includes Guinda’s share of the pastor’s compensation. The budget also includes a separate item under Capital improvements of $10,000. The plan is for the congregation to raise $5000 and that $5000 to be used from the savings. Plans are being made for a Halloween party on Saturday night, October 31. Lonnie Hemphil told the session that the Ruth Circle and the Women’s Auxiliary had offered to pay the cost of installing the island for serving the food in the social hall. The Session voted to accept their offer. But the bill for doing the work would go through the church treasury. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Anderson.
November 10, 1981. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported high school counseling is going well. He has been asked to serve on the Community Discipline action committee at the high school. He will have a new members class on Tuesday evenings. Meeting of the inter-church committee on December 2 here in Esparto. Session voted to have Sierra Stone Co. resurface the stairway and decking on the C.E. building. Rev. Anderson received an estimate of $756. The work will start with good weather. Session voted to purchase a security light for the east end of the C.E. building and ask Mr. Knoole to install it. The manse bathroom is in need of repair - Frank was instructed to have Mark Vanderwater do the work. A special meeting will be held on November 24 to deal with the needs and repairs to the facility and to finalize the budget. Stewardship Report: Don Warren reported that as of this date, a total of $13,031 has been pledged. He hopes to reach our budget. Offering envelopes will be ordered. As there was no further business, closed with prayer.
November 24, 1981. Special Session Minutes. The purpose of the meeting was to accept the budget as revised for presentation to the congregation at the annual meeting in January. After some discussion the Session voted to accept the budget as revised in the total amount of $42,830. The second item was the needs and improvements to the facility. The list of needs was reviewed and prioritized. Session approved for Henning Ericksonro to see if his son would repair the restroom toilets. Frank will make a list of the most important items that were discussed and have Mark Vanderwater give an estimate of cost of material and labor. Frank also requested that the oven in the manse be repaired. As there was no other business the meeting was closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
September 2024
April 1981. Nasa launched the first Space Shuttle mission, the Columbia. Two astronauts, Robert Crippen and John Young, spent 2 days, 6 hours, 20 minutes, and 53 seconds in space. They were testing the stability of the new craft and to safely launch the vehicle and then return to Earth so that the craft would be reusable.
July 7, 1981. President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor to the U.S. Supreme Court. She became the first female Justice on September 25, 1981.
August 12, 1981. IBM introduced the “Personal Computer” complete with a new operating system from Microsoft. A 16-bit computer operating system called MS-DOS 1.0. It came with 16 kilobytes of memory, one or two 160K floppy disk drives and an optional color monitor. Starting at $1565, which would be nearly $4000 today.
January 18, 1981. Minutes of the Annual Meeting. Membership as of January 1, 1980 - 77. New members received - 4. Losses by death - 1. Membership as of December 31, 1980 - 80 members. The budget was presented to the congregation for approval. Total amount of the budget is $31,101, which includes the $5,500 that Guinda Community Church would reimburse us for the pastor’s salary if we continue the same arrangement as 1980. The congregation voted to approve the budget as presented. The arrangement with Guinda sharing the same pastor is to be reviewed and evaluated by the new pastor seeking committee. Room change: The committee presented the low bid for installation of the kitchen and room improvements in the amount of $10,500. This is for the kitchen area only. After discussion and concern about having a full time pastor and the financial state of the church, the congregation voted to grant $5,000 total amount of expenditure for the project, for the committee to go back to the low bidder and see what part of the improvements could be done with this amount and to report back to the Session. Approximately $1,700 will come from the Memorial Fund and approximately $2,600 from the Women’s Auxiliary. The congregation voted for the Session to make the final decision on the project.
Election of pastor seeking committee. The congregation voted that members of the previous committee be contacted to serve again. Gerry Warren was elected to serve as a new member of the committee. Jean Errington and Betty Koeppen agreed to serve again. Bill Rominger requested not to serve. Janet Hayes and Mary Anne Schaupp will be contacted. Respectively submitted, Jean Errington.
January 20, 1981. Session minutes. A letter from Naomi Circle was read regarding the pastor’s report at the annual meeting (Rev. McClane) concerning the salaried positions in our church, namely Jean Errington. They expressed a solid vote of confidence in Jean Errington to continue in her dual role. Concerning the review of the report written by McClane, after hearing the letter from the Circle and other viewpoints it was consensus of the Session members present that no further action be taken on the report except to burn it!
Session voted these additional people to serve on the pastor seeking committee: Dean Aune and Greg Linton. Janet Hayes has agreed to serve again and Mary Anne Schaupp declined.
March 1, 1981. Session Minutes. Mr. Dillion Brown, representative of the Sacramento Presbytery M.R. Committee was present to inform the session of the background on Mr. Frank Anderson, Mr. Ward Murray, and Mr. Tom Murray. The Session was to consider one of the men to serve as an interim while the pulpit is vacant. After discussion and evaluation of each candidate the session voted to ask Mr. Anderson to come and preach on Sunday, March 8th, and to call a special session meeting to interview him and see what arrangements could be made if the session approved of him to serve as pulpit supply. Mr. Ward Murray would be the second choice if the session decided against Mr. Anderson. Following this action Mr. Brown was excused from the meeting. The room change: Lonnie Barr reported that the electrical work will cost $1,680 and the plumbing approximately $1,000. Session voted to approve the committee to continue the project. Pastor Seeking Committee: The Pastor Seeking Committee has met one time and would like direction on the evaluation of sharing a pastor with Guinda. Is the committee to address the financial or all the aspects of sharing a pastor, the good as well as the disadvantages of the arrangement? Session directed the committee to evaluate all aspects. Everett Lisle has contacted Joe Bradshaw concerning a memorial service for his wife, Elva. Session thought the service should be part of a regular Sunday worship service.
April 14, 1981. Session Minutes. The following persons were present: Rev. Reimers, the Moderator, and Ruling Elders Don Warren, Tom Spiva, Bob Hayes, Bill Rominger, Lonnie Barr, Mary Lewis, and Edith Haynes. Also present were Jean Errington, clerk and Frank Anderson, interim pastor. Each session member had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the new interim pastor.
It was reported that Everett Lisle died on March 22, 1981 in San Francisco. Memorial services were held here at the church for Everett and Elva on March 29, 1981. Rev. Reimers officiated at the service. (Mrs. Lisle died in January 1981.)
Pastor Seeking Committee Report: The Clerk read the recommendations of the committee. 1. The committee after prayerful study and caring for the two churches, came to the recommendation that the Countryside Community Church discontinue the sharing of the pastor with Guinda. That both churches need a full time pastor. 2. However, if Session doesn’t accept the first recommendation, that if we continue to share a pastor with Guinda, that time and financial cost of having a pastor be equally divided between the two churches. This would include other expenses, such as office, secretary, etc. that would incur to preparing bulletins, telephone, mailings and supplies. Trustees Report: The first quarterly report expenses were $4,997.86 and income was $6,47.50. Bob Hayes and his sons moved the stove and refrigerator into the manse. Rev. Anderson shared his concern for the safe condition of the ceiling in the sanctuary - after some discussion, Session voted to have Tom Spiva be in charge of having someone inspect the ceiling for safety to make sure it will not fall. It was suggested to see Ivan Baccei and to report back at the next session meeting. Rev. Anderson told Session of a picture that Valoree Bahlman had sketched of the church - he suggested that session approve the cost of reproducing the picture. Session took no action on this but referred it to the trustees. Interim Pastor report. Rev. Anderson shared with Session his concern for community evangelism and world vision here at Countryside. He extended an invitation to his ordination to be held at the Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church on May 3, at 4p.m. Reported that he would be officiating at several marriages, and that he required that the couples be counseled. He would be giving the couples study material. He requested that a committee meeting night be held on May 26 for all church committees. Other Business: A letter of resignation was read by the Clerk of Session from Bill Rominger as Church Treasurer and Ruling Elder be accepted. Also, the membership of his wife, Anne G. (Suzie) Rominger and Bill Rominger, be placed on the inactive roll until further notice - this to take effect as of June 1, 1981. Session voted with deep regret to approve their request and a special thank you for the dedication to the Countryside Church during the past years.
Bill was present and stated that he had spoken with Norma Garrison about the possibility of her serving as church treasurer - she has agreed to serve at the request of Session. Officer and Ruling Elder nominating committee will meet soon to seek a new elder and treasurer. Being no other business the meeting was closed with prayer by Mr. Anderson. Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
August 2024
1980. California was home to the world’s largest bank (Bank of America) and credit card company (Visa), as well as the country’s largest Savings and Loans. It was also the center of the junk bond market.
January 1, 1980. Comic Strip “The Far Side” by Gary Larsen debuted in The San Francisco Chronicle.
January 7, 1980. US President Jimmy Carter authorizes legislation to bail out the Chrysler Corporation with a 1.5 billion dollar loan.
September 9, 1980. Session Minutes. Rev. McClane reported he and Jean Errington met with Bama Hackett , Director of the Child Care Center. The purpose of the meeting was to inform her of the pending plans that are in progress for the use of the lower rooms of the C.E. Building for the church fellowship hall. These plans will necessitate the Child Care Center to find another location. A projection of approximately 60 days when the church would like to have the rooms available. Rev. McClane reported he is taking a new medicine which seems to be helping. He is under the care of a doctor in San Francisco who is doing research on A.L.S. Lea Hall has resigned as Children’s Co-ordinator and the mid-week activities for the children is at a standstill due to the lack of leaders.
Report on Room Change: The committee presented a plan of the changes which include complete kitchen facilities, serving bar, and storage closets on the south wall. It was a consensus of the session that a doorway be installed so that access to both rooms would be provided without going through the restroom or outside. It was also reported that Mr. Nicholson would charge $250 for drawing up working blueprints including description of material used. Session voted to approve the expense of $250 for plans, for the committee to secure an estimate of cost of the project and the plans as presented plus the doorway change.
October 14, 1980. Session Minutes. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. McClane. Communications:
Day Care Center - Letter from Yolo County Schools advising that the Esparto Day Care Center would be under the direction of the Foundation Center for Phenomenological Research, Inc., that the Yolo County Office of Education will no longer be operating the child care centers in Yolo County. It also included a thank you for the continuous support the church has given the center and the use of the rooms in the C.E. Building. Mary Lewis presented a request on behalf of the center for an extension of time to use the rooms in the C.E. Building to November 10th instead of November 1st. They hadn’t found a place to move to at this time. Session voted to extend their stay until November 10 on the condition that the responsible parties from the FCPR meet with Rev. McClane or Jean Errington prior to October 23. The Committee on the Room Change is waiting for the blueprints.
November 23, 1980. Special Session Meeting. A special session meeting was called by the Moderator Rev. McClane for the purpose of submitting his resignation as Pastor of Countryside Community Church. Ruling Elders present were Lonnie Barr, Joe Bradshaw, Lloyd Rominger, Mary Anne Schaupp and Everett Lisle. A quorum was present. The meeting was opened with prayer. Mr. McClane requested his resignation to be effective as of January 15, 1981. His health is deteriorating rapidly and he would like to spend some time with his children. He requested that a congregational meeting be held on December 14th to present this to the members. Session voted to accept Rev. McClane’s resignation and to call a special congregational meeting on December 14 for this purpose. The meeting was closed with prayer.
December 9, 1980. Session Meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. McClane. A letter from Synod of the Pacific concerning the Presbyterian Pines facilities. A question was put to the session on the future of the facilities. “Should the Presbyterian Pines be sold or developed?” Session voted to recommend that the facility be sold after a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of keeping it. A letter from the family of Eugenia Woods extending an invitation to the members of the congregation to an open house honoring Mrs. Woods on her 90th birthday. The Child Care Center requested an extension of time for use of their room to December 22. The session voted for the extension. Rev. McClane baptized Yukio Van Maren King, child of Van Maren King and Laurel Masayo King privately in his study. The child was born September 23, 1980 in Woodland, Ca. A Christmas program and dinner are planned for December 20 at 5:30p.m. Mary Lewis is in charge of arrangements. The Women’s Auxiliary will purchase candy canes for the children. Jean Errington will get a Christmas tree for the church. Mrs. Virginia Sinor has resigned as Sunday School teacher. She has a full time job now and feels she will not have the time to dedicate to teaching the class.
December 14, 1980. Special Congregational Meeting. Sunday December 14, 1980 immediately following the worship hour a special meeting of the congregation was held for the purpose of accepting the resignation of the Rev. McClane due to his disabling illness (ALS). To be effective on January 15, 1981. A quorum was present and the Rev. McClane moderated the meeting. Rev. McClane informed the members that we would need a moderator for the session meetings beginning in February 1981. He also informed the members that he has been meeting with the Presbytery people to discuss his salary after retirement. They informed him that his salary would be based on the 1981 figures. That he would be moving to Salt Lake City to be near his family. A motion was made by Lloyd Rominger that the congregation concur with Rev. McClane’s request to dissolve all relationships with the Countryside Community Church so that he may retire. The motion was seconded by Mary Lewis. The motion carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Rev. John Reimers. Respectively submitted by Mary Lewis, Clerk Pro-Tem.
July 2024
1980. Ronald Reagan was elected 40th President of the United States. George H. W. Bush was elected Vice President. Jerry Brown was California’s Governor.
On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens volcano erupted killing 57 persons and triggering the largest landslide ever recorded. It completely destroyed an area of 230 square miles in a matter of 5 - 9 minutes. It essentially killed everything within that area. The dense forests inside the inner blast zone were reduced to ash. Trees farther away were damaged by the searing heat. Lahars, massive mudflows, formed rapidly from melting ice and snow, damaging homes, roads and bridges in nearby communities. However, over the past decades, these areas have slowly rebounded with new life. It now stands 1300 feet shorter than before the eruption and is still the most active volcano in the Cascade Range and considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the U.S..
February 12, 1980. Session Minutes. Mr. McClane was officially installed as Pastor and Moderator on February 10, 1980. Mr. McClane announced he would be making some changes in the order of worship and he suggested the Session establish a policy on use of the C.E. building - basically for the youth groups to use for C.E. activities. To have adult supervision at all times. He requested that the Jr. High Class that meets in the social hall, use the room upstairs for their class and that all C.E. classes use the C.E. building, with one exception. The handicap class would use the old pastors' study off of the sanctuary. The Session voted to approve this request. He would like to start new youth programs at his discretion.
March 11, 1980. Session Minutes. Trustees Report. Joe Bradshaw reported that the State Fire Marshall requested that all door bolt locks and chains be removed from the Christian Ed building and to replace the fire extinguisher with a new one, so that we would meet the State fire code. With approval of the Trustees, Jean Errington removed all the bolt locks and chains and purchased an approved fire extinguisher. Mr. McClane reported that the roof on the manse is still leaking. Joe will talk to Don Warren about getting it fixed. Also the yard on the west side of the manse needs to be leveled. Mr. McClane suggested that we look at the possibility of putting the lights on a timer and that a light be installed at the east end of the C.E. building. He also suggested that the east and south gates entering the courtyard be locked at night. The Session voted to accept the report.
May 13, 1980. Session Minutes. Pastor’s Report. Mr. McClane reported that things are going well. Eileen Raymond is working with him and the primary choir and fellowship group. The Senior High group is going well. Greg & Becky Linton are working with this group. They are going on a retreat May 30-31 and June 1. He will go with the group, a pulpit supply will be needed for Sunday, June 1. The Guinda Senior group will also join in this retreat. Mr. McClane revealed to the Session the state of his health. The news wasn’t good. He said that he was terminally ill with what is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, that in a short time he would be incapacitated and he would not be able to use his arms and eventually be bed-ridden. He will try to do as much as he can with the short time he will have. The members of Session were shocked with this report. He also stated he would like some time off this summer to be with his children. The Session voted permission for Mr. McClane to proceed with his plans of installing a sink and 220 wiring upstairs. The youth groups will attempt to raise the funds for the project themselves. No funds would be needed from the general fund unless necessary. Mr. McClane reported the membership class was very good with 6 persons attending and that they had requested another meeting.
June 10, 1980. Session Minutes. The Rev. McClane presented Ted Howard, Ellen Peckham, Greg Gordon Linton and Rebecca Lynn Linton for membership to the church. After examination, Session voted to receive Ted Howard on profession of faith; Ellen (Tandy) Peckham on profession of faith and baptism; and Greg and Rebecca Linton on letter of transfer from the Church of Christ of Fairfield, CA.
Rose Russell, president of the Women’s Auxiliary, presented a request from the Auxiliary . At the last Auxiliary meeting the women voted to request moving the social hall area and kitchen facilities to the lower east room of the C.E. building so that all persons would have easy access to all circle meetings and social events. This move would eliminate the need of going up and down the stairs. The Auxiliary went ahead and got an estimate from Mr. Glenn Warren, Sr. so that the Session would have some idea how much the cost would be. That estimate was $3500. Rose also stated that the Auxiliary women thought that this project, if undertaken, that the funds could come from the building fund given to the church by the Barbara Fredericks Estate. Rose excused herself from the meeting to give the Session an opportunity to discuss the matter. After some discussion, Rev. McClane called for a motion. The Session voted that they agreed with the principle of the project as a good move, but felt more study was needed to work out some problems and feasibility of the project. The Session members did comment on what problems this move would create for the Day Care Program that is now here at the church. A committee was appointed by Rev. McClane to work on recommendations and problems. The committee consisted of Mary Lewis, Joe Bradshaw, Lonnie Barr, and Jean Errington as convener. The committee is to report at the next Session meeting on August 17.
Rev. McClane would like to have Lea Hall serve as Children's Program co-ordinator for children’s programs under Jr. Hi level. Lea has accepted. He has established a Countryside Christian Youth Club. He would like to see a council established for the C.E. department other than the Sunday school teachers.
The Session voted Rev. McClane permission for his vacation time for 4 weeks in July and that pulpit supply would be needed for July 6, 13, 20, and 27. He will make the arrangements. (Vacation was granted at this time due to his illness and that his children would be on summer vacation from school.)
Rev. McClane read a letter of resignation from Ruling Elder Lea Hall requesting the Session accept her resignation as ruling elder as of this date. She felt that she could do more for the church in another position. The Session voted to accept Lea’s resignation with appreciation of her past service to the Session and to the church and hope she will continue her faithful service to the church.
August 12, 1980. Session Minutes. Report from Committee on Social Hall and Kitchen change. (Session voted that the complete report be included in Session minutes.)
A survey was taken of the communicant members on their reaction to moving the social hall and kitchen to the large east room on the ground floor of the C.E. building. The reaction was mostly favorable. The committee invited Mr. Nicholson, an architectural engineer to come and evaluate the possibility of an alternative to moving, such as, the building of a ramp into the basement. His comment was that the cost and the meeting of building codes would probably make it prohibitive. The committee recommends the move. The committee toured the C.E. building and felt that we have sufficient rooms available to accommodate all the C.E. classes if the social hall and kitchen were moved over to the C.E. building. We recommend moving all classes from kindergarten through sixth grade to upstairs. Nursery and the baby room to stay as is. Change the present teachers room into a classroom. If a teachers room is needed, the room now being used as a junk room and storage for Mr. McClane’s personal property could be used for this purpose. That the junior and senior high classes share the use of the present social hall and kitchen as their classroom and social hall, the present kitchen to stay as equipped. We recommend that no kitchen facilities be installed in the upstairs classrooms. Two committee members felt that if possible, utility sinks be installed in each classroom (one classroom is already plumbed for a sink). Also, a toilet and wash basin be installed in the small room located directly above the men’s restroom. We the committee members find no solution to the problem this move will create for the Day Care Center presently using the rooms. We do have feelings and concerns for this program and what reactions and relationships this would create in the community if the Center is asked to move. This move may create some negative reaction in the Community toward the church. However, even with all the ramifications this may cause, we the committee recommend that the Session approve the moving of the social hall and the installation of a new kitchen and the shifting of the classes as recommended. The committee also recommends that at least two estimates of cost of the project be received and evaluated before accepting a contract. All work should be under a written contract with description of materials being used. If the Session approves the continuation of the project, Mr. Nicholson has offered to draw-up the plans.
Action of the Session: It was the consensus of the Session to present this report to the congregation at a special meeting. The Session voted for the committee to continue their work on this project by getting a working blue-print and bids of the work (at least 2). If there is a cost for the plans by Mr. Nicholson, the Session voted to give permission for the committee to spend the money. The committee is to make a progress report at the next meeting on September 9.
Respectively submitted, Jean Errington. Clerk of Session.
June 2024
1979. The International Year of the Child.
January - President Jimmy Carter proposes Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, January 15th, as a federal holiday. President Carter also announced he was awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously to anthropologist Margaret Mead.
July 2, 1979. The Susan B. Anthony dollar was issued. It was the first U.S. coin to honor a woman.
October 17, 1979. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2003 Pope John Paul 11 bestowed the title ‘blessed’ to her. In 2016 Pope Francis canonized her and in 2017, she was declared co-patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Calcutta at a Mass in the city.
January 9, 1979. Session Meeting. Memorial Fund Report. The Session voted to accept a check in the amount of $300.00 from the Fund as reimbursement for the ramp that was completed in October. Mr. Springer requested that the monies given to the Fund in memory of Brenda Springer, his wife, be used for the ramp project. Session voted the following: that the ramp be dedicated in the Memory of Rev. Brenda Springer and that a plaque be placed in an appropriate place. The Sacramento Presbytery is forming a committee to set up a fund in the memory of the Rev. Springer and would like to have a representative from this church. The Session voted to have Bill Rominger or Betty Koeppen act as representative.
May 8, 1979. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. Rev. Reimers suggested some areas that could be considered for the church’s financial problems: 1. Goal to seek financial stability by - a. Presenting a detailed program of stewardship; b. Stressing tithing; c. Seeking cost of operation. 2. To have a part-time pastor - a. To seek a tent-making pastor; b. To combine with another church; c. to have a part-time supply pastor. Rev. Reimers reminded the Session he would only be here through June. Session approved for Mr. Reimers to inquire about a replacement for himself. Dean Aune presented plans for an awning that would help remove the problem of rainwater standing on the upper deck of the CE building. The cost would be approximately $200. Mr. Herbst has agreed to donate the steel needed for the project. Session voted for Dean to go ahead with the plans and project. The men of the church will install the awning. Church school will close for the summer on May 27th. Vacation Bible School will be held June 11 - 22. A communicant class will start on May 13th at 9:30 a.m. by Rev. Reimers. Rev. Reimers will also lead a class on the history of the Bible. Bill Rominger reported that the church information form has been completed and mailed to the proper parties. He stated that the financial condition of the church makes it difficult to consider a full-time pastor. He stated that Sacramento Presbytery suggested a person who might be considered and would come for two thirds salary. The Pastor Seeking Committee will seek dossiers for evaluation.
May 14, 1979. Special Session Meeting. The purpose was to meet with the Pastor Seeking Committee to discuss the sharing of a pastor with the Guinda Church. Information had been received through the Bishop of the district superintendent of the Methodist Church, Arthur Thurman, that there was a possibility that this would be agreeable. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Reimers. Ruling Elders present were Lloyd Rominger, Mary Anne Schaupp, Lonnie Barr, Bill Rominger, Edith Haynes, Lea Hall, Vernia Bahlman, and Joe Bradshaw. Pastor Seeking Committee members present were Betty Koeppen, Jean Errington, Jim Durst, Janet Hayes, Bill Rominger, and Mary Anne Schaupp. Bill Rominger presented the information on sharing a pastor with the Guinda Church. He had discussed this with Boyd Stockdale and Leroy Runquist of the Sacramento Presbytery. After some discussion, the Session voted for Bill Rominger to investigate what the people in the Guinda Church thought about the sharing of a Presbyterian minister. Bill will report back his findings to Session.
June 12, 1979. Session Meeting. Rev. Reimers moderating. Teachers for Vacation Bible School are Joe Bradshaw, Diana Bair, Margaret Johnson, Linda Bolhoeffer, and Pat Hayes. Dee Ann Johnson in charge of refreshments and Mrs. E. Lisle of music. Baccalaureate service for the high school was attended by 17 seniors and their families and friends. Lea Hall did an excellent job on the program. Session voted the dedication of the ramp will be June 24th at the regular worship hour. The following persons will be asked to participate: Jeanne Han, Schell Han, Zack Springer, Jean Errington, Rose Russell and Ruth McGinnis. Lea Hall will contact the Woodland Democrat for publicity. Pastor Seeking Committee: Bill Rominger reported on the meeting with the Guinda people. Their congregation will be meeting on June 17th to make a decision on sharing a pastor. They stated that the most they could contribute toward a pastor’s salary would be about $5,000. It was the consensus of the Session members that the Pastor Seeking Committee continue the sharing of a pastor with Guinda. Bill will contact the proper person in the Sacramento Presbytery to work out the details. Rev. Reimers requested a day-off in the last week of June. He will see about pulpit supply persons for the month of July. He also stated that time has about ended for him here at CCC. Since there was no other business, the meeting closed with prayer. Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
December 16, 1979. Special Congregational Meeting. The meeting was opened by the moderator, Rev. John Reimers, in the sanctuary immediately following the worship hour. The purpose of the meeting was to present the call of the Rev. James McClane as pastor. A quorum was present. Since the call also requires that he will serve the Guinda Methodist Church, their membership was present to vote. Both congregations were present during the worship hour to hear as Rev. McClane preached the Sunday sermon. The Pastor Seeking Committee reported that it was their unanimous vote to recommend Rev. McClane to the congregation. A motion was made and seconded to vote on the call of the Rev. McClane. A count of qualified members of Countryside Community Church to vote was 34. The vote was a written ballot. The membership of Guinda Methodist Church also voted. The vote to call Rev. McClane was reported by the tellers as follows: Countryside voted 30 yes, 1 no, 2 abstaining. Guinda had 10 yes votes. When the votes had been announced, the Rev. Howard Thurman, district superintendent for the Methodist Church for this area, announced the appointment of Rev. McClane to the Guinda Church pastorate. This is consistent with their form of government. The Rev. Reimers presented the Rev. McClane as our called pastor for the Countryside Community Church. He will begin as our pastor on January 15, 1980. The call is to be signed by the authorized persons of CCC and then Rev. McClane’s name will be sent to the Sacramento Presbytery M.R. Committee for confirmation. The Pastor Seeking Committee was commended for their work and were then dismissed. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Reimers. Coffee hour followed the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk
May 2024
1978. Democratic incumbent, Jerry Brown, was re-elected governor of California defeating Republican Attorney General Evelle Younger. U.S. Senate proceedings were broadcast on the radio for the first time. The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) was abolished and women were integrated into the regular Army.
Charon, Pluto’s large moon, was discovered in June 1978 by James Christy and Robert Harrington at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, about six miles from where Pluto was discovered at the Lowell Observatory in 1930. Mr. Christy proposed the name Charon after the mythological ferryman who carried souls across the river Acheron, one of the five mythical rivers that surrounded Pluto’s underworld.
In September, President Jimmy Carter invited Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to the presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland, where dual peace accords were negotiated.
April 12, 1978. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. The Session voted to have the installation of the Rev. Brenda Springer on May 7th at 4:00 p.m. Presbytery will handle the installation and will also include the celebration of retirement of the Rev. John Reimers. The Session voted to ask the Ruth Circle to host a tea with the help of Session.
May 9, 1978. Session Meeting. Plans for Rev. Springer’s installation on May 14th are under way. Jean Errington, assisted by Lea Hall, is in charge of arrangements for the tea. Ruth’s Circle was not able to host it but will make some cookies. The Session voted to sponsor a Baccalaureate service for the EHS graduates. The date will be selected by the school. Rev. Springer will contact other churches in the community.
August 8, 1978. Session Meeting. Trustees Report. The Session voted to approve and grant a roofing contract to Vance Paulson for repairing the Christian Education building. Estimated at $2389.00. Don Warren will see to getting the pigeons removed. Bill Rominger reported on contacting Ron Robles for a cost estimate for a ramp for handicapped persons. Cost could be about $1585.00. The Session voted to send a letter to the members requesting their opinion on the need for the ramp. A choir has been organized, Gerry Warren will direct.
September 3, 1978. Special Session Meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Springer. The meeting was called by Rev. Springer for the purpose of meeting with Carol Johnston. She has requested that Rev. Springer baptize her infant son, Jedediah Allen Johnston, born March 24, 1978. The Session voted to receive him. The second item of business was the ramp for handicapped persons. Bill Rominger gave the estimated cost as approximately $2100.00. The amount includes the ramp, railing, sidewalk, finished siding on the ramp and gates. It was reported 23 persons had responded to the letter sent to members. 21 voted yes and 1 voted no; 1 wanted more details. After some discussion the Session voted for Bill Rominger to proceed with the contract details with Ron Robles and Christy Iron Works.
September 12, 1978. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. Rev. Springer made 40 visits during the month. Had three marriage consultations. She will officiate at the marriages of Bob Andersons and Vicke Scott Traphagen on September 23rd in the sanctuary and possibly the social hall if the weather is bad. She will officiate at the marriage of Mike Cunningham and Sidney Wallace on October 8th at 1:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Mike’s parents are members of the church. She officiated at the funeral for Olive Hayes, a non-member. She officiated at the baptism of Jedediah Allen Johnston, son of Edward Allen and Carol Ann Johnston, born in Woodland on March 24, 1978. Paulson’s will start on the reroofing of the Christian Ed building on September 13th. Ron Robles will start on the ramp, approximately, on October 1st. The Christian Ed committee requested the approval of Session to pay a babysitter for church school and worship hour. The cost would be $5.00 per Sunday for 2 hours. Session voted to pay a sitter. The treasurer will issue a check to Brenda Springer each month at $5.00 per Sunday; she is in charge of paying the sitter. Founder’s Day. Plans are for a potluck dinner at 12:00 p.m. on October 20th. Old timers will be notified and past pastors will be invited. If the ramp is completed, it would be dedicated at that time. Will ask the Auxiliary to be in charge of the dinner. Norma Garrison volunteered to see if the shut-ins at the St. John’s retirement home would like to come. All Session members are to bring a hot dish and the church will buy the bread and drinks. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Rev. Springer.
October 10, 1978. Session Meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by Joe Bradshaw. The Ruling Elders present were: Joe Bradshaw, Don Warren, Bill Rominger, Lloyd Rominger, Norma Garrison, Lea Hall, Vernia Bahlman, and Jean Errington. In the absence of a Moderator, the Clerk of Session, Jean Errington conducted the meeting.
Clerk’s Report: It is with deep sorrow to report in our session records that the death of our beloved pastor, the Rev. Brenda Keel Springer on September 28, 1978. She was killed instantly in an automobile accident 4 miles east of Madison on Highway 16 when a tractor-trailer jack-knifed in front of her. Mrs. Springer deeply touched many lives here in the Esparto area and will be greatly missed. A service of Witness to the Resurrection and Thanksgiving for the Life of the Rev. Brenda Springer was held October 1, 1978 here at the church. Communion was served to approximately 350 persons. Approximately 500 persons were in attendance. Persons participating in the service included William Rominger, Rev. Joy Dorf, Rev. Norm Pott, Rev. Boyd Stockdale, Rev. Robert Dooling, Rev. Robert Graham and Ann Edmondson. Many cards and letters of condolence have been received. They will be in the office for those wishing to read them. The Session voted a special thank you to Jean Errington for all her extra time during the time of Brenda’s death and for seeing that all the necessary things were done. The Session voted to give Lon Springer $435.00, Brenda’s salary for two weeks, to help him in these difficult times and with caring for their two small children, Zechariah and Beja. The pension fund payment will continue to be paid. The Session voted to have a picture of Brenda Springer placed in the new membership booklet. The booklet will be dedicated in her memory.
April 2024
1977. The Yolo County Sexual Assault Center, Empower Yolo was started in 1977 by five women in Davis, providing crisis intervention services out of an apartment. Soon thereafter, domestic violence services were added and the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Center became Yolo County’s sole provider of specialized services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. In 1980, the agency received a federal grant to establish its first shelter. In January 2014, in an effort to more effectively encompass the vast programs and services and to highlight the connection between client, organizations and community, it was renamed Empower Yolo. Empower Yolo is the county’s largest provider of services and only residential and counseling agency whose primary purpose is to provide specialized services to women and children: including victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, stalking, human trafficking and other forms of abuse. January 2016, the Yolo Family Resource Center merged with Empower Yolo and now offers financial coaching, credit counseling, and more. They also offer programs for children and teens.
On June 6, 1978, California voters approved Proposition 13, a property tax limitation initiative. “Prop 13” rolled back most local real estate assessments to 1975 market value levels, limited the property tax rate to 1% plus the rate necessary to fund local voter-approved bonds, and limited future property tax increases to a maximum of 2% per year. Under “Prop 13”, properties are reassessed to current market value only upon a change of ownership or completion of new construction. In addition, “Prop 13” generally limits annual increases in the base year value of real property to no more than 2%, except when property changes ownership or undergoes new construction.
May 11, 1977. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. Rev. Springer officiated at the marriage of Vernon Leroy Menkhoff and Tracy Lynn McCormick, and at the marriage of Laurence David Hall and Glenda Juanita Alcorn. Made 10 home visits. Speaking engagements: High School Girls group, United Methodist Youth Group, Humanities class at Yuba College, Airstream rally in Capay, and helped plan the Family Farm Survival Consultation. The Session voted approval for Bill and Sandy Rominger to attend the Family Farm Survival Consultation on June 1 and 2, and will pay the $50 registration. They will be representing the church. The Session also voted authorization for Mrs. Springer to attend, the cost to be paid by the Sierra Mission Area. Letters of welcome were sent to new persons in the community. One couple and their grandchildren responded because of the letter. Mrs. Koeppen has volunteered to handle the food closet after May.
Session voted approval to have Church School picnic on May 29 following the worship hour and to have it at the church. Summer vacation church school will be held in June. Mrs. Pat Harrison will supervise the school arrangements.
October 12, 1977. Session Meeting. Mrs. Springer reported on her visitations and meetings. She requested time for continuing education. The Session voted permission for Mrs. Springer to attend a seminar and workshop on “The Story”. The Session granted time off for December 13 - 15, to read Seminary candidates examinations. The Women’s Auxiliary will host the Church Women United on November 4th. The Women’s Auxiliary will hold their annual bazaar and tea on November 9th. The Session voted to send Mrs. Rose Russell a letter of congratulations on being elected as Vice-president of the Church Women United. Don Warren and Jean Errington will be making the plans for the Presbytery meeting here in Esparto in January 1978. Session voted to rent the Community Center for the luncheon for the meeting. Vernie Bahlman reported that 60 children have enrolled in church school. Classes of nursery through 6th grade meet on Sunday morning. Jr. High meets on Monday evenings for dinner and study. The church school children have raised $200 for the Heifer project to purchase 2 goats. The Harvest Day Care Center will close on October 14. Mrs. Springer reported there is a need for child care in the community. After some discussion, the Session voted to approve the use of rooms for a daycare center, but would not be able finance teachers, helpers, or other expenses involved to operate a daycare center. Mrs. Springer will see if financial support can be received from other sources.
December 15, 1977. Session Meeting. Communion was shared with 47 persons on December 4th in the worship hour. Worship attendance averages about 25 persons. Communication from the Synod of the Pacific. Subject: Evangelism spots for TV, The Session voted to send $87 to help support this program by the Sierra Mission Area Evangelism Task Force. (this amounts to $1 per member). Trustees report: Review of salary of Pastor. Mrs. Springer left the room and the Session, after some discussion, voted to increase the pastors salary by 6% above 1977’s amount. There will be a candlelight communion service on December 24th at 11:00pm. Christmas baskets will be prepared on December 23rd. A total of $170 has been received plus some food and toys. Betty Koeppen is in charge. Henning Erickson is working on the road signs and the Memorial Committee on the church building sign. The Session authorized the call for the annual meeting to be held on January 15, 1978. Mrs. Springer will take a week's vacation from December 26 through January 2, 1978. The Rev. S. Potter was asked to supply the pulpit on Sunday January 1, 1978. Don Warren will be in charge of the door and preparing for communion. Being no other business at this time, the meeting was closed with prayer by the Rev. Brenda Springer. Jean Errington, Clerk of Session
January 11, 1978. Session Minutes. Communion was served to 48 persons at the Christmas Eve service and 44 persons on Communion Sunday, January 1, 1978. Mrs. Springer requested pulpit exchange with the following: Charles Link on Feb. 19; Dennis Busek on March 12; and Bob Dooling on April 9. The Session voted approval of the exchanges. There will be no pulpit fee. A Session Retreat will be held on February 4 from 9:00 to 4:30 pm. The Session voted to have a person from Sacramento Presbytery come and work with the session on setting goals. Also to invite members of the congregation to come in the afternoon to share in goal setting. Mrs. Springer suggested having the Easter sunrise service in the cemetery. After some discussion, the session voted to present the idea to the congregation to hear their feelings regarding the idea. After some discussion regarding a daycare center for children, the Session voted to provide the rooms and heat and electricity. All other expenses would be provided by the operators, Mrs. Bamma Hacket and Mrs. Mary Molina. Plans would have to be worked out with the Session and the operators.
Presbytery Meeting in Esparto on January 28. Norma Garrison and Don Warren are our delegates. The committee is working on plans for the dinner. Session voted to allow for the expenses for the Presbytery meeting. The Session voted to charge $2.00 for the meal.
March 2024
1976. The Bi-Centennial celebrations are occurring all across America. The Presidential election results were: Democrat Jimmy Carter, President elect and Walter Mondale, Vice President elect, defeating Republican President Gerald Ford and Vice President Robert Dole. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded the Apple Computer on April Fools Day. They unveiled Apple 1, the first computer with a single-circuit and ROM (Read only Memory).
The 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal were boycotted by 22 African countries protesting the fact that the New Zealand rugby team had toured Apartheid South Africa and were scheduled to compete in the Olympic Games. The Winter Games were held in Innsbruck, Austria. USA.'s Dorothy Hamel won the gold medal in figure skating. The Games were awarded to Innsbruck after Denver, the original host city, withdrew in 1972. Detroit has tried repeatedly to host the Games, but has never won the bid. The United States has been in every Olympic Game except for the 1980 Summer Olympics. They led a boycott in protest of the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. The United States Olympics and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) is the National Olympic Committee for the U.S.
Special Congregational Meeting on March 14, 1976. The purpose of the meeting was to hear the recommendation of the pastor seeking committee and to act thereon. Joe Bradshaw, chairman of the committee, reported that it was the unanimous vote of the committee to call the Rev. Brenda Keel Springer of Woodland, California for our pastor. The terms of the call to begin March 28, 1976 were: Salary $8333; pension 16% of salary; auto expense of $.12 per mile; housing allowance of $150 per month; study leave of two weeks and $225 annually that could accumulate for up to six years; one month vacation annually and moving expenses from Woodland. A motion was made and seconded to vote on the call. The vote to call Mrs. Springer, by written ballot was 34 “yes” and 2 “no”. After some discussion a motion was made and seconded that we cast a unanimous ballot, motion carried. Mrs. Springer’s name was sent to the Sacramento Presbytery M.R. Committee. She was Countryside’s first female pastor. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Brenda Springer.
July 21, 1976. Session Meeting. Rev. Springer reported she officiated at the funeral of Naomi Hayes who died on June 27th and on the funeral of Maude Lenore Neel who also died on June 27th. Mrs. Springer reported she had received a request on behalf of the office of the Methodist District Superintendent asking if she would be interested in sharing her services with the Guinda Church. (This was not an official request from the church to our Session). The Session voted that at this time we are not open to this request. After the first of January or maybe later we might be interested, we are not closed to the idea. Mrs. Springer reported Helene Crowley of the Sacramento Presbytery, asked if our church would open our pulpit to other churches in the process of hearing a candidate preach. The Session voted to open our pulpit to other churches to enable them to hear a candidate. Mrs. Springer suggested that she be allowed to preach in the church sending the candidate to our pulpit. Her reason was to give visibility to women ministers in our Presbytery. The Session voted (by concerns) that this was not a good idea at this time. Mrs. Springer reported she had accepted an invitation from Rev. Robert Dooling of the Woodland Presbyterian Church to preach during his vacation, August 8th and 15th. The service times will not conflict with our regular worship times.
August 18, 1976. Session Meeting. The Rev. Mrs. Springer presented Mrs. Lee Hall for examination by the Session to be received on reaffirmation of faith. After due examination, the Session voted to received Mrs. Hall into membership of this church on reaffirmation of faith. Two communicant classes are in progress, one for Jr. High and one for a Senior youth group. Invitations have been extended to members of the community to participate in a Christmas Art display interpreting the meaning of Christmas. It is to be on a religious view more than a secular view. The media will be of the artist’s choosing. The art work will be on display during the Christmas season in the church. The Session voted to endorse this Christmas Art display project by the local artists. The Session voted to have a Teacher’s Welcoming Dinner for the teachers of the Esparto School District. Session will meet August 25th to plan the dinner and program.
January 5, 1977. Session Meeting. Miss Alice Marsh appeared before Session on behalf of the Esparto Study request permission for them to place a “Memorial Plaque” in the church social hall. (For the record: approximately 35 years ago the Esparto Study Club donated $1500 to the church to help complete the social hall. In searching the church records, there is no record of donation. The money was given to the Women’s Auxiliary and in turn the Auxiliary gave the money to the Church). The Session voted permission to place a plaque in the hall; that the two organizations, the Esparto Study Club and the Church’s Women’s Auxiliary Executive Board meet together on the proper wording of the plaque; Session prefers no amount of money be mentioned nor no full credit be stated. The Sacramento Presbytery Visitation Team is planned for January 24th. The pastor will meet with the team in the late afternoon and the session members, pastor and the team will join together for a potluck dinner. Another meeting with the team and the session members will follow for discussion..
February 9, 1977. Session Meeting. The Rev. Springer presented Elizabeth Koeppen for examination for membership on a letter of transfer from St. John’s United Church of Christ. After due examination, Session voted to received Mrs. Koeppen. Mrs. Koeppen also requested baptism of her infant son, Barrett Scott Koeppen, born January 14, 1977. Session voted to receive Barrett for baptism.
Parents: Don Koeppen and Elizabeth Pickering Koeppen.
Election of committees and other officers:
Clerk of Session and Secretary of the corporation: Jean Errington
President of the Corporation and Trustees: Bill Rominger
Christian Education: Bonnie Feeney with Vernia Bahlman, co-chairperson
Worship: Edee Bouslaugh
Membership: Norma Garrison
Community Service: Henning Erickson
Stewardship: Don Warren
Nominating Committee: Don Warren chairperson and Jean Errington
Elders will be responsible for door assignment one month of the year. And responsible for one Sunday of the month for coffee hour, other Sundays volunteers from the congregation will be asked. Elders are responsible for communion elements.
A request for use of a room by Ms. Lonnie Kiehm, Youth Services Bureau worker in Esparto, to use a room for informal group counseling. It would be at the school lunch hour or after school. Mrs. Delfie Schakra, Esparto nurse practitioner, will assist and the Rev. Springer may be invited to assist. Session voted a tentative yes. More information needed. Session also granted a request by Mrs. Springer to take the high school students to see a play on February 27th.
February 2024
1974. President Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency on August 8, 1974 amid threats of impeachment regarding his Watergate involvement. He was succeeded by Vice President Gerald Ford. On September 8, 1974 President Ford granted “a full, free and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed.” Shortly after the announcement, Richard Nixon accepted the pardon, publicly acknowledging his guilt in the Watergate cover-up. Jerry Brown was Secretary of State of California and was instrumental in the passing of the Political Reform Act in the June 1974 election. California was the first state to pass a comprehensive political reform package in the aftermath of Watergate.
In the summer of 1973, a pilot program of four members of a Woodland family opened and ran a home for adults with developmental disabilities as a 6 week pilot program to determine the success and feasibility of group home living for people with disabilities. On March 1, 1974, a rented single-family home was a home for up to five residents, but was not suitable for both men and women. A non-profit corporation called Summer House was formed in November 1974. In December the corporation purchased a four-plex, which has been remodeled many times over the 50 years to create 12 private bedrooms for individuals. Summer House has initiated an Independent Living Program, a Supported Living Program and in July 1993 a second residence was opened in Davis. Today Summer House supports 75 people with developmental disabilities in Yolo County.
Special Congregational Meeting on March 10, 1974. The congregation voted to add the following to the Articles of Corporation papers: “The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to charitable or religious purposes, and upon liquidation, dissolution or abandonment of the owner, after providing for the debts and obligations thereof, the remaining assets will not inure to the benefit of any private person but will be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable or religious purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501 ( c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. There were 22 persons eligible to vote. The 22 voted unanimously to incorporate this Article into the church’s Articles of Corporation. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Moderator, William Gearhart.
November 19, 1974. Session Meeting. Mrs. Linnea Herger and Mrs. Janice Lopez presented the future plans for a Community Nursery Center in Esparto. They requested the use of the two lower classrooms in the Christian Education building. They also requested the possibility of enlarging the play area by including the lawn area of the Manse. The consensus was to not enlarge the play area, it would make the yard area too small for the Tenants of the Manse. The Session voted to grant them the use of the two rooms for a period of one year and to have the Trustees arrange an agreement for compensation for use of the rooms and utilities. The church will bear no responsibility for supplies, material or furnishings.
December 17, 1974. Session Meeting. Study Period. A motion was made to discontinue study period during session meetings except for church business related matters. The motion was defeated by a majority. The vote was three no, two yes, and 3 not voting. The topic for study was the question of the church’s responsibility in the Farm Workers Movement. A discussion of the pros and cons of why the church should or should not become involved was the main topic. Changes in the church’s attitude were noted and suggestions received as to how to influence this more recent openness.
February 18, 1975. Session Meeting. Rev. Gearhart presided with Ruling Elders Jean Errington, Jim Durst, Gerry Warren, Dean Aune, Everett Lisle, Bonnie Feeney, Clarence Schaupp, Elinor Parker and Kenton Keithley. Rev. John Reimers was also present. Rev. Gearhart announced his decision to retire from the ministry and resign as pastor of the church. This came as a great shock to the Session and with deep regret. The Session voted to accept Mr. Gearhart’s resignation with deep regret and a deep appreciation for the past relationship with the congregation and the community. Rev. Reimers spent time on the procedure the Session should take in dissolving the relationship and steps to be taken in calling a new pastor. Mr. Reimers will meet with the Session again. Use of Building: the following recommendations were submitted: a) Private use of church facilities - the sanctuary, social hall, and other facilities of the church may be used by private parties for such things as weddings provided that such use is first approved by the session. b) All private parties who use any facilities shall be liable for clean-up with a fee of up to $25 per room, if the room requires cleaning; and shall also be liable for full payment of breakage or damages caused. c) Use fees shall be charged as follows: $15 for sanctuary only; $25 for social hall and kitchen; $35 for sanctuary, social hall and kitchen; $20 for social hall only; $15 for a room in the education building. d) Use fees may be waived by the session for regular active members of the church and for friends of the church who are donors of record for two out of the past five years. e) All users including members are liable for clean-up and damages. f) Users may not serve alcoholic beverages and will be subject to other terms of the session’s approval. The Session voted to accept the recommendations as the policy for use of church facilities. Jim Durst told Session of his plans to go to the Marshall Islands. The Session voted to accept the resignation of Jim Durst with regret of his leaving, but also wished him well in his new experiences.
February 25, 1975. Special Meeting. The purpose was for the dissolution of Rev. Gearhart’s duties as pastor. Rev. John Reimers as acting Moderator. The Session voted to accept the resignation of the Rev. Wm. W. Gearhart as of April 30, 1975. The last 3 weeks of April will be his vacation. He plans to retire from the ministry on May 1, 1975. The Session voted to call a special Congregational meeting on March 6, 1975 immediately following the 11:00am service of worship. The Rev. John Reimers will act as Moderator. The purpose of the meeting will be to present the resignation of Rev. Gearhart as pastor of Countryside Community Church to the congregation to act upon thereto. The Session voted on the final plans for the retreat to be held on March 9, 1975 from 3 to 5 pm, ending with a meal. The Rev. Burt Smyth of Synod and the Rev. Ed Higgins from the Sacramento Religious House, have been invited to act as leaders of the retreat. The Session and members of the congregation are urged and requested to attend. The retreat will be centered around “What things that have to be done during this period of change of pastor and the ongoing work of the church”. Lucille Gearhart, Elva Lisle, Mary Anne Schaupp and Jean Errington will arrange for the meal. The Session voted to call for election of a nominating committee for 1975 at the special Congregational meeting on March 16. Five persons are needed from the congregation at large and two persons appointed from the Session. Dean Aune and Bonnie Feeney have been appointed from Session and Dean Aune will serve as chairman. The Session voted to call for election of Ruling Elder at the March 16 Congregational meeting to fill the vacancy of the resignation of Jim Durst. There being no further business, the Session closed with prayer by the Rev. Wm. Gearhart.
March 16, 1975. Special Congregation Meeting. Rev. Gearhart invited the Rev. John Reimers, pastor of the Pioneer Presbyterian Church of Winters and a member of the Ministerial Relations committee of Sacramento Presbytery to act as Moderator. Twenty-five persons were present, which constituted a quorum. The call for the meeting was in order. Order of business: Mr. Wm. W. Gearhart requested the official dissolution of his relationship as pastor of Countryside Community Church effective on April 30, 1975 due to his wishes to retire from the ministry. The members voted to concur in the request for the dissolution of the pastoral relationship of the Rev. William W. Gearhart effective on April 30, 1975. The members voted Joe Bradshaw and Lyndol Cunningham to be representatives of the congregation at the next presbytery meeting on March 22, 1975, to present to presbytery the action of the congregation and to present the Rev. Wm. W. Gearhart’s wishes to retire from the ministry, which necessitates the steps of dissolution. All business pertaining to the pastor being concluded, the balance of the meeting was under the direction of our Moderator, Rev. Gearhart. Other business: Election of new Ruling Elder to replace Jim Durst. Mr. Lyndol Cunningham was nominated and elected by acclamation. Nominations were opened for five persons as members of the 1975 nominating committee for church officers and elders. Nominations were: Alice Marsh, Ruth McGinnis, Rose Russell, Floris Mast, and Alice Stephens. The members voted nominations to be closed and those nominated were elected by unanimous vote. With no other business announced at this time, the meeting was adjourned by vote and closed with prayer. Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.
January 2024
1973. The United States ended its involvement in the Vietnam War after signing the Paris Peace Accords. The agreement was signed between North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Viet Cong and the United States. Inflation in the United States was high at 6.16%. Average cost of a new house was $32,500.; Average yearly income was $12,900.; Average monthly rent was $175.; gas was $.40 per gallon and a dozen eggs cost $.25. Secretariat became the first horse to win the Triple Crown in U.S. horse racing since Citation in 1948. The Sears Tower, headquarters for Sears Roebuck & Co. in Chicago, Illinois, became the tallest building in the world at 1,729 feet, 108 floors. Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned as Vice President in October 1973, amid charges of tax evasion and receiving bribes. He was replaced by Gerald Ford.
March 13, 1973. Session Meeting. The Golden Anniversary Celebration of Presbyterian Affiliation will be held on March 18th. The Rev. John Irvine, former Pastor, will preach the sermon. The Rev. Henry B. MacFadden, former interim pastor will speak at the dinner. The Rev. Merrill Follansbee is to represent the Synod and Mrs. Franceyne Laney, Vice Moderator of Presbytery will be present. The Rev. Sam Holsinger lives in Luxembourg and cannot attend, but will visit in the spring and has been invited to preach at that time. Joe Bradshaw reported that he consulted with the Yolo County Assessor concerning the exemption of taxes on the church property. There is a lengthy form to be filled out and filed prior to April 15, 1973.
May 8, 1973. Session Meeting. Jean Errington presented an estimate from Cranston Bros. for $274.05 plus tax and freight, for paint to refinish the pews. Session approved the estimate and the paint will be ordered. The church received $2,500.00 from the Frank Nissen Estate. Mrs. Nissen thought Session could look into securing the Elsie Howard property next to the church for a future parking lot. No action was taken. Rev. Sam Holsinger accepted the invitation to preach on June 3, 1973. Cummings Studio will install the windows on May 10th. The balance of $1,650 will be paid at the installation. Session voted to pay an extra $100 to cover the windows with plexiglass for extra protection. Session voted to set the date of May 20th as the dedication for the two windows. The Session voted to have a memorial plaque to represent all the windows.
July 10, 1973. Session Meeting. Jean Errington is in charge of refinishing the pews. The church has been granted tax free status. Joe Bradshaw will take care of the paperwork required for the Internal Revenue Service for Peter Porterfield. The Session voted to purchase 100 copies of the HYMNBOOk (red book), with the name printed on them and 25 copies without printing to be sold to those desiring a copy. The HYMNBOOKs will be a memorial to Annette Forbes. The funds will come from the Memorial Fund.
November 20, 1973. Special Session Meeting. Visitors from the Sacramento Presbytery were Dr. Harold Englund, Mrs. Pauline Paulucci, and the Rev. David Tritenbash. The purpose of this committee meeting was to help the leaders of the church with suggestions on attendance at church, session meetings and general concern for the church.The State Board of Equalization informed us that the church is ineligible for the welfare exemption because of nonconformance with Section 214.01 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. Section 214.01 states in part that: “For the purpose of Section 214, property shall be deemed irrevocably dedicated to religious, charitable, purposes only if a statement of irrevocable dedication to only these purposes is found in the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation, chartered by the act of Congress, as determined by the State Board of Equalization.” The church has until March 1, 1974 to amend the bylaws of the Articles of Corporation and send a copy of amendment to the Secretary of State stating the above purpose of this corporation. The church will then be eligible for exemption. Session voted to amend the Articles of Corporation to conform with Section 214.01 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
November 25, 1973. Special Session Meeting. Moderator the Rev. William Gearhart presented Mrs. Mary Ellen Lewis for examination by the Session for membership in her profession of faith and baptism. Session voted to receive her. The Rev. William Gearhart presented Gretchen Marie Rooney, an infant daughter of Stanley L. and Mary Anne Rooney, born July 17, 1973 for Baptism. Session voted approval of the Baptism.
December 11, 1973. Session Meeting. A letter of resignation of Eleanor Durst as Ruling Elder was received and accepted with deep regret. Rev. Gearhart will write a letter of regret and thanking her for her many services to the church over the years. Session voted approval to allow the Senior Citizens to use the Church premises for meetings, serving meals and social gatherings. The serving of meals would be a five-day a week basic to be served at mid-day. Meals would be prepared in Davis and transported to Esparto. It was also noted that Rev. Gearhart, our pastor, was appointed to the Yolo County Commission on Aging for a two-year term by the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Session voted to have a Church dinner Christmas program on Friday, December 21 at 6:00pm. The Christmas program will be directed by Mrs. E. Lisle and the church school children will present the Christmas story. A potluck dinner will precede the program. Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Gearhart reported on how the Headstart Program is funded and that there are no funds available to pay utilities to the church. Mrs. Leidke had made an official visit to the Session on November 23 to report on the Headstart Program, but since there was not a quorum of the Session, no official meeting was held.
December 2023
One hundred years ago in October of 1922, a group of people gathered to consider the advisability of starting a new community Sunday School for children, in Esparto. The plan was, after the Sunday School was established, they would work on building a Church. The first Sunday School session was held in that October and forty-five children were present. In December, another meeting was held and it was decided to organize a community church under Presbyterian leadership. In March of 1923 the organization was completed. In May, the architect presented the sketch of the church and in December, the lots for the site were purchased. On January 27, 1924, the contract for building the church was given to K.C. Hinkle, contractor and builder.
One year ago, Session started to plan our 100 Year Celebration. A small committee of women, Pastor Kathy McIntosh Smith, Laurie Hayes, Cindy Brock, and Betty Koeppen with the help of Monica Martin, Marilee Rodriquez and Arriel Adler and Danielle Spires, updated our website and created a new logo. The committee reached out to past and present members, inviting everyone to come and celebrate this momentous occasion with us.
Our 100-year Celebration was well attended. The church pews were filled to capacity. Our visitors were amazed and pleased at how well the church was built and has withstood the years. They approved of the improvements that have been made. They were pleased to learn about Sunday’s Table which operates every Sunday morning. The joy of discovering that Countryside’s quilting history is still alive; that there is a quilt group meeting and teaching quilting at Countryside Church in its own quilt room in one of the upstairs classrooms. That the Church is still active in the community. There was a great feeling of re-connection.
Rev. Dr. Kathy McIntosh Smith was the Moderator and welcomed all our guests. Two of our past Ministers, Rev. Steve Smith led a responsive prayer and Rev. Don Smith gave the benediction. Local Pastor Kris Nordstrom of Calvary Baptist Church led the opening prayer.
Presbyterian representatives were Executive Presbyter of North Central Presbytery, formerly Sacramento, Wes Nordman and Western Region Mission Representative Jean Shaw, and Presbytery mission chairperson Nancy Disher.
An honorary guest and long-time member, Janet Mast Hayes, shared stories and times of her life. She is listed on the original Cradle Roll of Countryside Church; our church has been a part of her whole life, almost 100 years.
Elder Bill Rominger, Elder Suzanne Riley and Elder Jim Durst shared memories and stories. Pastor Kathy McIntosh Smith honored all of Countryside’s Past and Present Elders attending with a golden cord. Tee shirts with the Countryside logo and tee shirts with the Sunday’s Table logo were given to members past and present.
Special music was provided by Carrie Joy Clark on piano and Steve Fisher and Deb Ottman on guitar. A door prize quilt, made by quilter and Elder Cindy Brock, was won by Carolyn Nordstrom.
The Anderson Family Catering provided a delicious luncheon for over 85 people. The menu was marinated tri tip, grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, macaroni and cheese, green salad and rolls. A delicious champagne cake with a picture of the church in the frosting, was from Timothy’s Bakery.
Even though it was rainy and windy, the only rainy day in October! It could not put a damper on the day! The church service was great and so was the music.
Everyone agreed that it was a wonderful day!
November 2023
1972. Richard Nixon was re-elected President and Gerald Ford was installed as Vice President. Ronald Reagan was Governor.
The Meals on Wheels concept originated in Great Britain during World War II during the bombings of the London Blitz. In 1947, the modern program began there with meals delivered to frail elderly citizens. Philadelphia started the program in 1954 and then spread to all 50 states; currently there are over 5,000 organizations. In 1972, Meals on Wheels arrived in Woodland, California when St. John's United Church of Christ noted a need for nourishing meals among the homebound seniors in the community. In 2016 Esparto, Sunday’s Table was created in coordination with the Yolo County Food Bank, the Esparto Food Closet (under the umbrella of RISE), Trader Joe’s and Nugget Market to help feed the hungry folks of Esparto and surrounding area on the north side of Countryside Church. We soon realized that the amount of food, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, was inadequate. It was decided to always have an abundance and not to settle for less, so instead of limiting the quantities or quality of food given, more fresh food would be provided. Local people started donating fruit and vegetables from their gardens, Durst Farms brought seasonal produce to supplement, and Countryside Church increased its purchases from the Yolo Food bank. Soon Sunday’s Table was able to offer a plethora of fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, cheese, and other ingredients for a healthy diet. In 2018, the distribution was moved into the courtyard of the church because more space was needed. The amount of table space went from 4 tables to 14. Raised garden beds and 6 fruit trees were planted in front of the Manse in 2021 to raise seasonal vegetables on site to supplement the distribution and also demonstrate growing techniques to clients.
December 5, 1971. Congregational Meeting. Rev. MacFadden acted as Moderator. A quorum was present for the purpose of hearing the recommendation of the Pastor Nominating committee. Mr. Lyndol Cunningham reported a unanimous vote of the committee to call Mr. William W. Gearhart of Grants Pass, Oregon. The terms of the Call were to begin January 1, 1972, as follows: Salary $7,200, Pension 15%, Auto at $.10 mile to a minimum of $600. Manse or housing allowance of $100, special fund for utilities and emergencies $300. Study leave 2 weeks with a drawing account of $200. One month vacation and moving expenses. The count of qualified voters was 48. Mr. Gearhart was accepted by all 48.
December 29, 1971. Session Minutes. The minutes of the Congregational Meeting of December 5 were approved with the corrections of the terms of call: Salary $5,300, Pension 15%, Auto at $.10 mile to a minimum of $600. Manse or housing allowance $2,800, special fund for utilities or emergencies $600. Study leave of 2 weeks with a draw account of $200 and the study leave to be cumulative. One month vacation and moving expenses.
April 11, 1972. Session Minutes. Bob Hayes and Joe Bradshaw reported on the proceeds of the Fredericks Estate. $5,000 was placed in regular savings; $6,000 was placed in a one-year Gold account; $6,000 was placed in a two-year Gold account; $1,500 was left in reserve in the general fund. A motion was made to authorize Trustees to sell the pump and sprinkler pipe from the estate. Motion was carried and so ordered. A motion was also made to authorize the Trustees to sell a strip of land received from the Fredericks estate. Carried and so ordered.
July 11, 1972. Session Minutes. Elsie Rominger reported on Vacation Church School. Approximately 80 children attended between June 19 and June 29. Approximately 5 children are going to Clavin Crest to camp. Jim Durst reported that approximately $400 was raised locally for Debbie Durst to attend the Ecumenical Institute in Chicago. An exact report will be received when Debbie returns from Chicago. Stained Glass Report: Mr. Gearhart reported all dealings with Hogan Studio have been set aside at this time and new arrangements are being made with Cummings Studio. Joe Bradshaw and David Herbst will go to see some of their works.
September 13, 1972. Session Minutes. A motion was made that we give Jim Durst permission to use the building for the RS-1 Ecumenical Institute on October 13-15, 1972. Carried and so ordered. A payment of $175 has been made for the first installment on stained glass windows to Cummings Studio. The suggested designs are to be submitted about October 15th. Joe Bradshaw will be our representative for the installation service for the Rev. Robert Dooling at Woodland on September 24, 1972, at 9:30am.
November 14, 1972. Session Minutes. Mr. Gearhart reported on the trip to Cummings Studio. Due to the delay in signing the contract they regret that it will probably be January 1974 before the Crucifixion window will be ready for installation. A motion was made to authorize the Trustee’s to sign the contract for the Crucifixion window. Carried and so ordered. The second window will be changed to the Ascension, sketches will not be ready before mid-January 1973. Guest, Rev. David Zollars extended an invitation to the Open House at the Religious House in Sacramento on Sunday, November 19, 1972, from 2-5pm. It is located at 2615 P Street.
December 12, 1972. Session Minutes. Janet Hayes gave the Building Improvement Committee Report. The action of the Session was as follows: 1.) Voted to purchase new carpeting for the sanctuary, entrance and down the stairway; 2.) Voted that the Improvement Committee select proper carpeting and arrange for installation, price range $3,000.; 3.) Voted to have the pews divided and add new ends. The committee will select the contractor from estimates received; 4.) Voted to repaint the entry before the installation of the carpeting; 5.) Mr. Gearhart will contact several architects about the improvements to the chancel; 6.) By agreement of the Session it was recommended to call attention to the improvements to the congregation for financial support for these improvements. Stained Glass Window Report. Cummings Studio will install the protective plexi-glass on the windows if they are both done at the same time. A motion was made that the last large window be in memory of the Original Founders of the church. Funds to be received from individual contributions. Carried and so ordered. Paul Stephens has agreed to be chairman for this committee, assisted by Hazel Sener and Madeline Bradshaw. The committee will have the responsibility to raise the funds for this window. A motion was made to accept this committee. Carried and so ordered. The theme of the window is being changed to the Ascension.
December 31, 1972. Special Session Minutes. The Session voted that we recommend to the congregation at the annual meeting that the by-laws be changed to reduce the size of Session and Trustees from 12 to 9 members and that the classes be divided into groups of 3 rather than 4. It was pointed out that this change will require another year to effect fully since the class of 1974 will continue to have 4 members. Upon motions carried, the meeting adjourned with prayer by the pastor, Mr. Gearhart, Moderator.
October 2023
In 1937, because of the national “Dust Bowl” crisis, (when millions of acres of farmland were destroyed due to drought and erosion) the federal government passed legislation that established the Soil Conservation Service (SCS). To increase the ability to respond to specific local needs, the states formed “Soil Conservation Districts” that were controlled by local boards of directors. In California, Soil Conservation Districts began forming in the 1940s, and today there are 98 districts throughout the state. The first Soil Conservation District in Yolo County was formed in 1955, after which two others were formed. Those three districts (Western Yolo, Hungry Hollow and Capay Valley SCDs) consolidated in 1977 to form a single conservation district. In the early 1970s, these districts that were originally empowered to address soil and water issues, expanded their emphasis to also include “related resources” such as fish and wildlife habitat enhancement, restoration and the control of exotic plant species. This broadening of scope was reflected in the name change in 1971 from “Soil Conservation” to “Resource Conservation Districts.”
April 6, 1970, Session Minutes. A letter from Mrs. Helen Campbell asking permission to use the sanctuary for a piano recital. Session approved the request. Marriage: Lloyd Shane Whitfield and Colleen Marie Wanshop, March 21, 1970, in the church. Witnesses were Joseph Gallardo and Cynthia Wanshop. Baptism: On Maundy Thursday, March 26, 1970, Julie Eileen Rominger, born October 25, 1969, child of Gary LaVern and Rose Marie (Schmidt) Rominger. Funeral: Merlin J. Taber, Sr., March 20, 1970, in participation with the Masonic Lodge at the Capay Valley Cemetery, March 24, 1970. Moderator, Mr. Henry MacFadden (Interim Pastor) presented Mrs. Ellen Nellie (Powell) Lindberg, to be received into membership on reaffirmation of faith. Mr. MacFadden also presented Mrs. Jean Ann (Smith) Bonnet; Sue Alice Campbell, daughter of Henry and Helen Campbell; and Robert Jay Schaupp, son of Clarence and Mary Anne Schaupp, for membership on profession of faith. Session approved all of them.
June 1, 1970, Session Minutes. A letter from the Rev. Wilford C. Smith, Methodist minister of Guinda Church, concerning a common ministry for the Capay Valley. Elders of Guinda would like an answer to bring before their board. Will wait until further discussion from our congregation.
June 21, 1970, Special Session Meeting in the Sanctuary of the Church prior to regular Sunday Worship service. Purpose: Request of Baptist Mission Church to use Christian Education Building for their Vacation Bible School in July 1970. Session approved this request. A motion to have Mr. MacFadden write to Synod and Presbytery officials to get information about the possibility of developing a Capay Valley parish with the Methodist Church at Guinda and with the Seminary about Third level seminary student service. It was approved.
July 6, 1970, Session Minutes. A discussion was held with the Rev. Roy Runquist of the Mission Dept. of the Presbytery and the Rev. William Johnson of the Ministerial Relations Dept. of the Presbytery. It was a prolonged discussion and these men committed themselves to check into the possibility of a common Capay Valley Guinda Church. They will contact the Methodist Conference officials and will confer with the Seminary officials about securing a third level student to serve here. It being recognized that in either case it would take at least a year for details to be worked out.
July 26, 1970, Special Session Meeting. A request of EOC to use our building for a childcare center for children of working parents. It would be six days a week from 6:30am to 6:30pm. The program would be administered under the direction of Yolo County Schools. It was moved to table the request until the August 3rd meeting. A motion was made to give the EOC permission to use rooms for a childcare center until the regular session meeting. Motion was approved.
August 3, 1970, Session Minutes. Eleanor Durst asked to use the basement to store food for the Yolo Volunteer Bureau and to let Mr. Pablo Galvan have a key to the basement door. Request approved. Eleanor Durst also asked for a room for the Laubauch Literary classes, August 28, 7-10pm and August 29, 9-4pm. Request approved. Session approved the use of rooms in the Christian Education building for Head Start, Educational Handicapped class, and EOC childcare center, if asked for.
September 6, 1970, Special Session Meeting. A request from the County Superintendent of Schools to build a fence around the Christian Education Building for the Childcare Center. A motion was made to allow installation of permanent fencing at the east end and south end and temporary fencing on the north, providing the fence is compatible with our building. The details were assigned to Trustees to work with the Superintendent of Schools office. Motion approved.
March 1, 1971, Session Minutes. David Herbst reported that he, Mike Warren and Phil Arellano conducted the morning service in our sanctuary on Sunday,
February 28, 1971. Session voted to present David Herbst’s name as a Youth Observer at the General Assembly in Syracuse, N.Y. in May 1971.
May 3, 1971, Session Minutes. The motion was made and approved for the Trustees re-roof the manse when the present renters move out. It was suggested the Trustees also examine the floors in the sanctuary. Rev. MacFadden reported that the Baccalaureate Service will be in the Catholic Church on June 6. Rev. MacFadden will deliver the sermon and Mr. Robertson and Mr. Akins will assist, with Father Lucas in charge.
Rev. MacFadden suggested we have a “Come as you are” service at 11:30am on the 4th Sunday of each of the summer months, and that the 3rd Sunday in each month be planned by the young people of the church. He also requested he be released on Sunday, August 22 to be in Placerville that day. A motion for all three suggestions was made and approved. A motion was made and approved to elect Jean Errington as Clerk of Session.
September 2023
1969. January 28, 1969, the Santa Barbara Oil Spill of 1969 spewed an estimated 3 million gallons of crude oil into the ocean creating an oil spill 35 miles long along California’s coast, killing thousands of birds, fish and mammals. In the aftermath of the spill, President Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. It was an instant hit.
July 11, 1969. Phillips Records released David Bowie’s song, “Space Oddity” (about a fictional astronaut “Major Tom”) in conjunction with the expected launch of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. Bowie had recorded the song just 3 days earlier.
July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin made the space flight, lunar landing and the safe return to earth during the Apolo 11 Mission. Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon was such an epochal event it was worthy of intense media coverage and international celebration.
August 15, 1969. Woodstock Music and Art Fair rocked a farm in upstate New York for 3 days. Billed as “An Aquarian Experience: 3 Days of Peace and Music”, it was attended by over 400,000 people. The epic event later would become synonymous with the counterculture movement of the 1960s.
February 3, 1969. The Session gave the Memorial Fund Committee permission to spend the undesignated funds to repair the floor and then put carpeting on one classroom upstairs. Father Lucas discussed the use of the old Catholic Church for a Teen Center. If that happens, his congregation would need to use part of our Education Building for their catechism classes on Mondays. No action was taken pending further information about the Teen Center. Elders Robert Hayes and William Feeney will be delegates to meet with the Esparto Unified School District to ask for additional funding to cover the costs of utilities, pro-rating of insurance, and other costs that we share for their use of our rooms.
March 3, 1969. Session recently learned that many churches have asked each member to pay his own per capita tax each year, which amounts to only $1.80, a small amount for an individual, but a large budget item when multiplied by 180 persons. It was decided to ask each person on our membership rolls to donate $3.60 to cover last year's tax as well as this year's tax. Session accepted a gift of a rug for use in the Christian Education Building from the Robert Hayes family and they approved the purchase of a sink for the Junior room of the building.
April 7, 1969. Session voted that the renters of the manse should be responsible for the manse’s water and sewer bill. The committee will meet with the school board to arrive at the 1969 rent due for the use of the Christian Education Building. Approved use of classroom space in the Christian Education Building for Saint Martin’s Parish Catechism classes. Approved contacting Guinda Methodist Church to work out worship services on April 20, 1969. Approved May 25, 1969, for the Church School Picnic.
August 4, 1969. The Pastor, the Rev. L. Don Smith presented a letter of resignation. On motion, the Session voted to accept his resignation, with regrets and recommend to the congregation that they concur with his request. The following resolution was adopted by the Session on the motion of Elder William Feeney. The Session wished to express their appreciation for the minister’s Christian presence, leadership, and guidance given to us during his time with us. They approved one-half month salary and allowances to Rev. L. Don Smith for September.
August 19, 1969. August Special Session. Approved the use of the Church School Building classroom by the Esparto School District for Special Education classes. The School District will provide custodian care and $10.00 monthly for utilities. A $500.00 rental fee was approved for the use of the room during the 1969-1970 school year. Approved use of the kindergarten room by the Head Start Program for the 1969-1970 school year. Custodian care and $10.00 monthly for utilities. The Head Start Program will install a tile floor, subject to Session approval as a maintenance to the building.
August 26, 1969. August Special Session. Called at the request of Presbytery Committee on the Minister and the Church of the Minister Relations Department of Presbytery of Sacramento. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss concerns raised by a delegation of members of Countryside Community Church to the chairman of the Department. A report was received by members of the Session from the delegation, but Session took no action on the report. Session voted to request that the Rev. H.B. McFadden be invited to fill the pulpit on a pulpit supply basis until Session meets in September at which time they can discuss a request for an Interim Pastor.
March 2, 1970. Session approved that the Easter Sunrise services will be at Monument Hill Memorial Park, Woodland. Approved to invite Winters Pioneer Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in Woodland to our Easter Sunrise Service. Approved Mary Anne Schaupp to fix breakfast for after the Easter Sunrise Service. Approved Jean Bonnet be appointed Clerk of Session and church secretary, at a rate of $2.00 per hour. Approximately 12 a week plus time spent at Session meetings. Approved to let the High School students use our office facilities for their newspaper, under the direction of Eleanor Durst. Approved to accept a painting from the Barbara Fredericks estate to hang in the church.
August 2023
1968. The year that shook the nation 55 years ago. The war in Vietnam, the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4th and Bobby Kennedy on June 6th, the defiant power salute of 2 athletes at the Mexico Olympics, and student protests across the nation.
“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today... in this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
The nationwide boycott of California grapes brought the unfair and inhumane conditions of migrant workers into the national spotlight. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 made it illegal for sellers and landlords to refuse housing to people based on their race, religion, sex, or national origin.
“There are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, they mistrust the present, and invoke the security of a comfortable past which, in fact, never existed.” Robert F. Kennedy.
The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago ended in violent assaults by the police that injured hundreds of people. Republican Richard Nixon was elected President and Spiro Agnew was elected Vice President.
November 6, 1967. Memorial Fund Report: Balance on hand 1/1/67 - $1190.15; Memorial Gifts received through 6/6/67 - $2529.00; Disbursements - $1796.26; Balance on hand 6/6/67 - $1922.89. The Committee recommended the available money be spent as follows: 1. Stanley Rooney Fund – Furniture for kindergarten, 4 pieces, $122.80; 2. McGinnis Memorial – Loudspeaker for nursery and basement, $25.00; Start of the church library, $138.24; Session voted that the Memorial Fund Committee also be the Library Committee. 3. Drapes and indoor-outdoor carpeting for the Fireside Room, from undesignated Memorial Funds; 4. The Lord’s Supper, stained-glass window will be installed by Hogan’s Studio for $996.00, in memory of Mrs. Laura Hopkins from the Hopkins Memorial Fund of $757.50. The balance to be paid from the undesignated funds or additional gifts.
April 1, 1968. The Session voted to receive the following for membership: William Jay Earnest, Joseph Criner Bahlman, William Russell Hayes, David Michael Warren, and Sue Ellen (Hess) Earnest.
June 3, 1968. The Session voted to accept a piano donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes. It will be placed in the Sanctuary. It was accepted with deep appreciation.
September 30, 1968. Ruling Elder Mary Anne Schaupp reported on the Teacher’s reception. Over 100 people attended, and dinner was paid for. She recommended that the dinner be dispensed with for the present since the teachers were not responding. The Session voted to adopt the recommendation. Ruling Elder Mary Anne Schaupp presented data on the grape boycott. The Session voted to form a committee to present a resolution at the next regular meeting to be sent to (1) Presbytery (2) The National Council of Churches and (3) Northern California-Nevada Council of Churches. The committee as approved were Ruling Elders: Mary Anne Schaupp, Eleanor Durst, and Geraldine Warren.
October 6, 1968. A Special Session meeting was called and approved the following: 1. A request from the Esparto School District for the use of one of the Christian Education Building rooms for a Special Education group. 2. A request for Rev. L. Don Smith to leave the pulpit Sunday, October 13th and have Rev. Hamblin fill it. 3. Rev. L. Don Smith's vacation from December 23, 1968 to January 6, 1969, and his study leave beginning November 18, 1968 through November 30, 1968, to be used in research for the history of Northern California county churches. 4. To accept the gift of the carpet for one of the rooms in the Christian Education Building under the supervision of the Furnishings Committee who are to present an overall plan for finishing the floors to the Session for approval.
November 24, 1968. A Special Session meeting was called. 1. Session voted to approve the Junior room for use for the Special Education group. 2. Session approved the use of the kindergarten room for the Head Start Program after Mrs. Corbett Grant explained the purpose of the class and promised to pay for supplies, janitorial supplies, and any damages. 3. Session voted to pay $75.00 to the Janitor with the job description as follows: 2 offices, Fireside room, Nursery, and crib rooms of the Christian Education building.
December 2, 1968. The Memorial Committee on carpet recommendation for the Christian Education building recommended the entire building be carpeted with the same color. Best-grade indoor-outdoor carpet in shades of tan and light brown tweed. The Memorial Committee reported that (a) the Library should be dedicated as “Countryside Memorial Library”, (b) the Library Bronze Plaque, requested by the family of Frank and Laura Hopkins to be placed in the Library and should read, “In Memorium Frank and Laura Hopkins”. Rev. L. Don Smith reported the need for volunteers for eight mornings, three hours each. They will answer the telephone, work on the newsline and put the mailing list in order.