May 2024
1978. Democratic incumbent, Jerry Brown, was re-elected governor of California defeating Republican Attorney General Evelle Younger. U.S. Senate proceedings were broadcast on the radio for the first time. The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) was abolished and women were integrated into the regular Army.
Charon, Pluto’s large moon, was discovered in June 1978 by James Christy and Robert Harrington at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, about six miles from where Pluto was discovered at the Lowell Observatory in 1930. Mr. Christy proposed the name Charon after the mythological ferryman who carried souls across the river Acheron, one of the five mythical rivers that surrounded Pluto’s underworld.
In September, President Jimmy Carter invited Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to the presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland, where dual peace accords were negotiated.
April 12, 1978. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. The Session voted to have the installation of the Rev. Brenda Springer on May 7th at 4:00 p.m. Presbytery will handle the installation and will also include the celebration of retirement of the Rev. John Reimers. The Session voted to ask the Ruth Circle to host a tea with the help of Session.
May 9, 1978. Session Meeting. Plans for Rev. Springer’s installation on May 14th are under way. Jean Errington, assisted by Lea Hall, is in charge of arrangements for the tea. Ruth’s Circle was not able to host it but will make some cookies. The Session voted to sponsor a Baccalaureate service for the EHS graduates. The date will be selected by the school. Rev. Springer will contact other churches in the community.
August 8, 1978. Session Meeting. Trustees Report. The Session voted to approve and grant a roofing contract to Vance Paulson for repairing the Christian Education building. Estimated at $2389.00. Don Warren will see to getting the pigeons removed. Bill Rominger reported on contacting Ron Robles for a cost estimate for a ramp for handicapped persons. Cost could be about $1585.00. The Session voted to send a letter to the members requesting their opinion on the need for the ramp. A choir has been organized, Gerry Warren will direct.
September 3, 1978. Special Session Meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Springer. The meeting was called by Rev. Springer for the purpose of meeting with Carol Johnston. She has requested that Rev. Springer baptize her infant son, Jedediah Allen Johnston, born March 24, 1978. The Session voted to receive him. The second item of business was the ramp for handicapped persons. Bill Rominger gave the estimated cost as approximately $2100.00. The amount includes the ramp, railing, sidewalk, finished siding on the ramp and gates. It was reported 23 persons had responded to the letter sent to members. 21 voted yes and 1 voted no; 1 wanted more details. After some discussion the Session voted for Bill Rominger to proceed with the contract details with Ron Robles and Christy Iron Works.
September 12, 1978. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. Rev. Springer made 40 visits during the month. Had three marriage consultations. She will officiate at the marriages of Bob Andersons and Vicke Scott Traphagen on September 23rd in the sanctuary and possibly the social hall if the weather is bad. She will officiate at the marriage of Mike Cunningham and Sidney Wallace on October 8th at 1:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Mike’s parents are members of the church. She officiated at the funeral for Olive Hayes, a non-member. She officiated at the baptism of Jedediah Allen Johnston, son of Edward Allen and Carol Ann Johnston, born in Woodland on March 24, 1978. Paulson’s will start on the reroofing of the Christian Ed building on September 13th. Ron Robles will start on the ramp, approximately, on October 1st. The Christian Ed committee requested the approval of Session to pay a babysitter for church school and worship hour. The cost would be $5.00 per Sunday for 2 hours. Session voted to pay a sitter. The treasurer will issue a check to Brenda Springer each month at $5.00 per Sunday; she is in charge of paying the sitter. Founder’s Day. Plans are for a potluck dinner at 12:00 p.m. on October 20th. Old timers will be notified and past pastors will be invited. If the ramp is completed, it would be dedicated at that time. Will ask the Auxiliary to be in charge of the dinner. Norma Garrison volunteered to see if the shut-ins at the St. John’s retirement home would like to come. All Session members are to bring a hot dish and the church will buy the bread and drinks. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Rev. Springer.
October 10, 1978. Session Meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by Joe Bradshaw. The Ruling Elders present were: Joe Bradshaw, Don Warren, Bill Rominger, Lloyd Rominger, Norma Garrison, Lea Hall, Vernia Bahlman, and Jean Errington. In the absence of a Moderator, the Clerk of Session, Jean Errington conducted the meeting.
Clerk’s Report: It is with deep sorrow to report in our session records that the death of our beloved pastor, the Rev. Brenda Keel Springer on September 28, 1978. She was killed instantly in an automobile accident 4 miles east of Madison on Highway 16 when a tractor-trailer jack-knifed in front of her. Mrs. Springer deeply touched many lives here in the Esparto area and will be greatly missed. A service of Witness to the Resurrection and Thanksgiving for the Life of the Rev. Brenda Springer was held October 1, 1978 here at the church. Communion was served to approximately 350 persons. Approximately 500 persons were in attendance. Persons participating in the service included William Rominger, Rev. Joy Dorf, Rev. Norm Pott, Rev. Boyd Stockdale, Rev. Robert Dooling, Rev. Robert Graham and Ann Edmondson. Many cards and letters of condolence have been received. They will be in the office for those wishing to read them. The Session voted a special thank you to Jean Errington for all her extra time during the time of Brenda’s death and for seeing that all the necessary things were done. The Session voted to give Lon Springer $435.00, Brenda’s salary for two weeks, to help him in these difficult times and with caring for their two small children, Zechariah and Beja. The pension fund payment will continue to be paid. The Session voted to have a picture of Brenda Springer placed in the new membership booklet. The booklet will be dedicated in her memory.