April 2024
1977. The Yolo County Sexual Assault Center, Empower Yolo was started in 1977 by five women in Davis, providing crisis intervention services out of an apartment. Soon thereafter, domestic violence services were added and the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Center became Yolo County’s sole provider of specialized services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. In 1980, the agency received a federal grant to establish its first shelter. In January 2014, in an effort to more effectively encompass the vast programs and services and to highlight the connection between client, organizations and community, it was renamed Empower Yolo. Empower Yolo is the county’s largest provider of services and only residential and counseling agency whose primary purpose is to provide specialized services to women and children: including victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, stalking, human trafficking and other forms of abuse. January 2016, the Yolo Family Resource Center merged with Empower Yolo and now offers financial coaching, credit counseling, and more. They also offer programs for children and teens.
On June 6, 1978, California voters approved Proposition 13, a property tax limitation initiative. “Prop 13” rolled back most local real estate assessments to 1975 market value levels, limited the property tax rate to 1% plus the rate necessary to fund local voter-approved bonds, and limited future property tax increases to a maximum of 2% per year. Under “Prop 13”, properties are reassessed to current market value only upon a change of ownership or completion of new construction. In addition, “Prop 13” generally limits annual increases in the base year value of real property to no more than 2%, except when property changes ownership or undergoes new construction.
May 11, 1977. Session Meeting. Pastor’s Report. Rev. Springer officiated at the marriage of Vernon Leroy Menkhoff and Tracy Lynn McCormick, and at the marriage of Laurence David Hall and Glenda Juanita Alcorn. Made 10 home visits. Speaking engagements: High School Girls group, United Methodist Youth Group, Humanities class at Yuba College, Airstream rally in Capay, and helped plan the Family Farm Survival Consultation. The Session voted approval for Bill and Sandy Rominger to attend the Family Farm Survival Consultation on June 1 and 2, and will pay the $50 registration. They will be representing the church. The Session also voted authorization for Mrs. Springer to attend, the cost to be paid by the Sierra Mission Area. Letters of welcome were sent to new persons in the community. One couple and their grandchildren responded because of the letter. Mrs. Koeppen has volunteered to handle the food closet after May.
Session voted approval to have Church School picnic on May 29 following the worship hour and to have it at the church. Summer vacation church school will be held in June. Mrs. Pat Harrison will supervise the school arrangements.
October 12, 1977. Session Meeting. Mrs. Springer reported on her visitations and meetings. She requested time for continuing education. The Session voted permission for Mrs. Springer to attend a seminar and workshop on “The Story”. The Session granted time off for December 13 - 15, to read Seminary candidates examinations. The Women’s Auxiliary will host the Church Women United on November 4th. The Women’s Auxiliary will hold their annual bazaar and tea on November 9th. The Session voted to send Mrs. Rose Russell a letter of congratulations on being elected as Vice-president of the Church Women United. Don Warren and Jean Errington will be making the plans for the Presbytery meeting here in Esparto in January 1978. Session voted to rent the Community Center for the luncheon for the meeting. Vernie Bahlman reported that 60 children have enrolled in church school. Classes of nursery through 6th grade meet on Sunday morning. Jr. High meets on Monday evenings for dinner and study. The church school children have raised $200 for the Heifer project to purchase 2 goats. The Harvest Day Care Center will close on October 14. Mrs. Springer reported there is a need for child care in the community. After some discussion, the Session voted to approve the use of rooms for a daycare center, but would not be able finance teachers, helpers, or other expenses involved to operate a daycare center. Mrs. Springer will see if financial support can be received from other sources.
December 15, 1977. Session Meeting. Communion was shared with 47 persons on December 4th in the worship hour. Worship attendance averages about 25 persons. Communication from the Synod of the Pacific. Subject: Evangelism spots for TV, The Session voted to send $87 to help support this program by the Sierra Mission Area Evangelism Task Force. (this amounts to $1 per member). Trustees report: Review of salary of Pastor. Mrs. Springer left the room and the Session, after some discussion, voted to increase the pastors salary by 6% above 1977’s amount. There will be a candlelight communion service on December 24th at 11:00pm. Christmas baskets will be prepared on December 23rd. A total of $170 has been received plus some food and toys. Betty Koeppen is in charge. Henning Erickson is working on the road signs and the Memorial Committee on the church building sign. The Session authorized the call for the annual meeting to be held on January 15, 1978. Mrs. Springer will take a week's vacation from December 26 through January 2, 1978. The Rev. S. Potter was asked to supply the pulpit on Sunday January 1, 1978. Don Warren will be in charge of the door and preparing for communion. Being no other business at this time, the meeting was closed with prayer by the Rev. Brenda Springer. Jean Errington, Clerk of Session
January 11, 1978. Session Minutes. Communion was served to 48 persons at the Christmas Eve service and 44 persons on Communion Sunday, January 1, 1978. Mrs. Springer requested pulpit exchange with the following: Charles Link on Feb. 19; Dennis Busek on March 12; and Bob Dooling on April 9. The Session voted approval of the exchanges. There will be no pulpit fee. A Session Retreat will be held on February 4 from 9:00 to 4:30 pm. The Session voted to have a person from Sacramento Presbytery come and work with the session on setting goals. Also to invite members of the congregation to come in the afternoon to share in goal setting. Mrs. Springer suggested having the Easter sunrise service in the cemetery. After some discussion, the session voted to present the idea to the congregation to hear their feelings regarding the idea. After some discussion regarding a daycare center for children, the Session voted to provide the rooms and heat and electricity. All other expenses would be provided by the operators, Mrs. Bamma Hacket and Mrs. Mary Molina. Plans would have to be worked out with the Session and the operators.
Presbytery Meeting in Esparto on January 28. Norma Garrison and Don Warren are our delegates. The committee is working on plans for the dinner. Session voted to allow for the expenses for the Presbytery meeting. The Session voted to charge $2.00 for the meal.