February 2025


The Yolo County Archive was founded in 1985. It is the official repository for Yolo County records. The collection contains records dating from 1850 to the present from various Yolo County agencies and departments as well as family collections from community members and local businesses. The materials include maps, blueprints, photos, manuscripts, newspapers, yearbooks, and other published books and articles.

July 13, 1985, two Live Aid concerts took place. One at Wembley Stadium in London, where Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially opened Live Aid; and the other in John F. Kennedy  Stadium in Philadelphia. The world wide rock concert raised over $100 million dollars for famine relief in Africa.

March 1985.  Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union. November 19, 1985 in Geneva, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union Leader Mikhail Gorbachev met for the first time to attempt to end the Cold War.  Four years later, the Cold War was over. The USSR and the US had peacefully and abruptly achieved an astonishing political settlement.

December 11, 1984.  Session Minutes. A motion by Ruth McGinnis and seconded by Henry Van der Stoel to hire a temporary custodian through January for 10 hours a week.  A motion was made by Jean Errington and seconded by Don Warren that the secretary and custodian positions not be held by the same person. Both motions carried. Henry Van der Stoel had a concern about the amount of time spent on the sermon at worship hour by Rev. Anderson. Too much time is spent on announcements and not enough time on worship. Also that the children taking part in communion were not understanding what it was all about and were playing with the communion elements. He also had a concern about Rev. Anderson having a checking account with the Countryside Church and his name on the checks. He felt it was not proper for Rev. Anderson to have such an account.  Rose Russell had some concerns about the role of a session member and stated that at times the Session was not attending to business like with financial matters, etc.  And that some of the members of Session felt that they were not doing business in the best interest of the whole church.

January 2, 1985. Session Minutes. Pastors report. Rev. Anderson informed the Session that he has taken a position at the Roseville church as associate pastor and requested the Session to accept the dissolution of his pastoral relationship here at Countryside Church effective February 1, 1985.  The Session voted to approve Rev. Anderson’s request. Rev. Anderson reported he would be on Study leave January 4th - 9th in Dallas, Texas. There is a balance of $345 in the study leave budget. Nomination Report.  It was reported that the following persons are being considered for recommendation for elders:  Suzanne Riley, Linda Mitchell, Ray O’Neal and Tom Wicks. Rev. Anderson has informed the congregation of his decision to accept the Roseville Church associate pastor position and requested that they accept the dissolution of his pastoral relationship with Countryside Church effective February 1, 1985. He requested Don Warren take this request to the Presbytery of Sacramento at the February 2nd meeting. The congregation approved his request.   Henry Van der Stoel and Linda Mitchell will serve on the Interim Pastor seeking committee.

January 18, 1985. Annual Congregation Minutes.  Present were 18 members and 1 guest. Rev. Anderson moderated.  Minutes from the 1984 Annual meeting were dispensed with. The reports were approved from all the groups and finances. A motion was made to elect Ray O’Neal, Tom Wicks, and Suzanne Riley as Elders for the Class of 1988 and Linda Mitchell for a one year term Class of 1986.  The motion carried. The congregation voted to elect Don Warren as church treasurer, Linnea Herger as financial secretary and Eileen Raymond as Memorial Fund treasurer. 

February 19, 1985. Special Session Minutes.  The purpose: to review the procedure in selecting an interim pastor and to elect officers for the Nominating Committee. Rev. Boyd Stockdale moderated.   Rev. Stockdale stated that (1) An interim pastor is hired for a period of 90 days. It can be renewed for up to 9 months or a year. (2) The church should make up a list of duties that they want the interim to follow. (3) The local church should consider the salary according to the duties.

The Nominating Committee: (1) Should have no more than eleven and not less than 7 persons. (2) Should be of various age groups representative of the congregation. (3) Sacramento Presbytery will have a Mr. Peter McKnight serve as a liaison person. The Session voted for the following persons to serve on the committee from Session: Clarence Schaupp, Chairman, and Henry Van der Stoel.  Ruth McGinnis and Mary Lewis were elected at the annual meeting.  The Session called for a special congregational meeting on March 17th following the service to elect the Pastor Seeking Committee. The meeting closed with prayer.  Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.

March 12, 1985. Session Minutes.  Report of the Interim Pastor Committee:  Henry Van der Stoel reported that Rev. David Newquest would come to preach on March 24, 1985. They voted to have a potluck dinner with Guinda on Saturday night March 23rd. Rev. and Mrs. Newquest will be our guest and we will be given an opportunity to meet them.

Officer Nominating Committee Report: The committee talked with the following persons to serve on the Pastor Seeking Committee: Rose Russell, Gerry Warren, Mary Anne Rooney, Mary Anne Schaupp, Henry Van der Stoel, Ray O’Neal and Linda Mitchell. The committee would like to have a Junior member under 21 as recommended.

April 16, 1985. Session Minutes.  Pastor Dave Newquest, Moderator. First order of business was the letter of resignation from Session member and Clerk of Session, Jean Errington. Motion by Don Warren and second by Robert Hayes to accept with appreciation and regrets; and to instruct the clerk to write a letter of appreciation to Jean.  Motion carried. Pastor Newquest appointed Clarence Schaupp to serve as temporary Clerk of Session.  Action approved by affirmation.

Report of Treasurer:  About $30,000 in savings, of which $18,000 is a certificate that will roll over at 10% interest.  Items over budget are Pulpit Supply, Leadership Training and office equipment. Pastor Newquest requested his $1350 monthly salary be reconstructed as follows:

  • $200 monthly to a self employed Keogh account

  • $650 monthly to repay a Keogh loan

  • $150 monthly to be designated as “supplies”

  • $350 monthly to be designated as salary.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer's report. Motion carried. The Pastor’s request for reducing his salary from $1350 to $350 with balance placed in Keogh accounts and supplies was considered next. Considerable confusion expressed about Keogh accounts and reservations about the supplies account. A motion by Ray O’Neal, seconded by Robert Hayes to approve the plan. Motion passed by majority with Suzanne Riley and Clarence Schaupp abstaining.

New Business: A motion by Linda Mitchell and seconded by Suzanne Riley to hire Chris Van der Stoel on a trial basis as custodian. Discussion expressed concern by several Elders of his age and ability. The motion carried with a majority and with one no and one abstention. Meeting closed with prayer by Pastor Newquest. Respectfully submitted, Clarence Schaupp, Clerk Pro Tem

August 5, 1985. Session Minutes.  Don Warren presented a bid to have the stained glass windows repaired for $1,800. A motion was made and seconded to go ahead with the work, but to make 2 reference calls. Motion carried unanimously. Don Warren moved that the church purchase the materials needed to seal the roof of the Christian Ed building and have a local person do the work (Russell Hicks).  Motion carried. A motion was made by Linda Mitchell to have a Christian Youth Group at Countryside and to be led by Cathy Wicks and Tammy Fullerton. Seconded by Suzanne Riley and motion carried. Linda Mitchell also made motions to give the Youth Group a starting bank account of $50 and to provide $100 for paint and posters after Session approves the content. Linda Mitchell moved to have an Adult Bible Study, to be led by Rev. Newquest, from 9/11/1985  - 12/11/1985 on Wednesday nights. Motion was seconded and carried.

September 10, 1985. Session Minutes.  Pastor Seeking Committee. Mary Anne Schaupp reported that the Pastor Selection Committee attended the Presbyterian Church in West Sacramento on September 8th to hear prospective Pastor Mark Hollingsworth. The Committee highly recommended Mark and requested that a congregational meeting be held on September 29th directly after hearing Mark from the pulpit. Motion by Don Warren and second by Clarence Schaupp was made and carried. Peter McKnight will be asked to moderate. A potluck dinner will be served by Session members to meet Mark on the evening of September 28th. A motion by Clarence Schaupp to extend Pastor David Newquest’s call for one month to October 31, 1985. Motion was seconded and carried. Respectfully submitted, Clarence Schaupp, Clerk Pro Tem.

September 29, 1985. Special Congregational Meeting.  A special congregational meeting was held following the regular service to vote on the Pastor Seeking Committee’s candidate for a new pastor. Rev. Peter McKnight was moderator. Mark Hollingsworth was the candidate. After some discussion regarding the process of selection by Rev. McKnight, Mark was questioned by the congregation. A vote was taken:  29 voted for and 2 against. Mark would be coming in as the new pastor on December 8, 1985. The nomination committee was dismissed. Respectfully submitted, Tom Wicks, Clerk of Session.

October 6, 1985. Special Session Minutes.   Purpose:  To receive new members. Present: Pastor Newquest, Henry Van der Stoel, Suzanne Riley, Don Warren, Linda Mitchell and Tom Wicks.   New members: Carmen Rice on reaffirmation of faith;  Cindy Brock on confession of faith;  Joe and Ella Hayden on transfer of letter from United Coventry, Davis;  Wayne, Marilyn and Jeff Yarbrough on reaffirmation of faith. A motion was made by Don Warren to accept them all as members, second by Suzanne Riley. The motion passed unanimously.  Meeting was closed with prayer. Tom Wicks, Clerk of Session.


March 2025


January 2025