December 2024


January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet.  Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP).

In 1983, The world’s best selling computer was the Commodore 64, but Radio Shack’s TRS-80 Model 100 computer was the first successful laptop.  The first mobile cellular telephone call was established, a new Chevrolet Chevette sold for $7,287, a gallon of gas cost $1.25, and a postage stamp cost 20 cents. 

February 26, 1983. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip arrived in California for a few days, meeting with President Ronald Reagan at his Rancho Del Cielo Ranch. They toured San Diego, Los Angeles,  San Francisco, Yosemite and Sacramento’s Sutter Fort for a historical re-enactment. 

June 18, 1983. Dr. Sally Ride, Physicist and first American woman to fly into space.  In 1989 she retired from NASA and joined the faculty at UCSD as a Professor of Physics and Director of the University of California’s California Space Institute.

December 9, 1982. Session Minutes.  Pastor’s Report.  Bob Graham and Dillon Brown, representatives from the Synod Office, were present to evaluate the progress that Countryside has made over the past year and to see if we would still be needing the salary supplement. Rev. Anderson and the Session shared some of the things that have taken place during the year. The Session voted to make a request from Synod and Presbytery for a salary supplement in the amount of $3,000. Rev. Anderson will draft a letter to them.    The Long Range Committee reported that it recommends that the Session either purchase new housing or repair the manse. Some members of Session felt that the manse is not worth putting more money into. The Session voted to concur with the committee that there was a need to replace the manse and for the committee to continue to study the options available on replacing the manse and the financing, etc.      The Women’s Auxiliary have voted to purchase window blinds for the social hall. Frank suggested that the windows be replaced with aluminum windows with screens on the north side at this time before the blinds are installed.  Also to replace the louvered windows in the office and Fireside Room. The cost would be approximately $385 for the windows and $150 for the installation. The Session voted to purchase and install the new windows as Frank suggested. Frank will order them

February 8, 1983. Session Minutes.  A Letter was sent to the Synod Office to request the sum of $3000 for pastor’s salary supplement. Frank reported that the Synod has granted the $3000 for 1983.  Elizabeth Van der Stoel was chosen by the Christian Youth Group to be a candidate in the 1983 Almond Festival Queen contest.   Plans for the Easter Sunrise service will be at the Ranger Station again this year. The Guinda Church will have their breakfast again and everyone is invited.   The Session is being reorganized into three groups as follows:  1. Stewardship and Trustees - Don Warren.  2. Worship and Celebration - Rose Russell, Gerry Warren, Eileen Raymond and Madeline Potter.  3. The Nurturing Committee  will include Mission, Parish Life, Community Service, Fellowship, Roll of Membership, Christian Ed. - Norma Garrison, Ruth McGinnis, Jean Errington, Clarence Schaupp and Gerry Warren.  Evangelism and church growth will be the responsibility of the whole session.

March 15, 1983. Session Minutes.  Long Range Committee. Rev. Anderson reported for Janet Hayes, chairperson. The plan is to host a dinner on May 1st. Henry Wells from Sacramento Presbytery will be present. Printed invitations will be sent to members and friends of Countryside. This will be the kick-off for raising $15,000 for improvements to the church facilities. The Session voted to approve the plans.

April 12, 1983. Session Minutes.  Rev. Anderson reported that 28 youths went on the snow trip. He reported that he served as minister for four funerals this month.  He officiated at the marriage of Jeff Allen Lopez and Cheryl Lynn Young on April 2nd at the American Lutheran Church in Woodland. He reported he has met with some people who are considering joining the church and requested to have a special session meeting on April 19th to receive them.     The Long Range Committee reported that Rev. Anderson suggested that some of the funds raised be used for youth ministry, general budget or where needed most. The Session voted to let the Committee decide on how the break-down on the pledge card would be read for receiving these special funds from the fund raising drive.  Rev. Anderson received an estimate on the cost of updating the chimes as instructed to do by the Session at their November 9, 1982 meeting. The cost is $600.00. The Session discussed using funds from the Memorial Fund to do the repair work on the chimes.  

May 10, 1983. Session Minutes. The following persons were present: Rev. Frank Anderson, and Elders Rose Russell, Don Warren, Norma Garrison, Bob Hayes, Floris Mast, Ruth McGinnis, Clarence Schaupp and Jean Errington. Excused was Joe Bradshaw.  

Rev. Anderson presented the following persons for examination by the Session for membership. To be received on reaffirmation of faith - Suzanne Virginia Riley, Eileen Martha O’Neal, Raymond M. O’Neal, Linda Mitchell, Russell D. Mitchell and Thomas Christian Wicks. To be received by letter of transfer Jacoba Catharina Van der Stoel and Hendryk Van der Stoel. Each person had the opportunity to share with the Session. All those present have been worshipping and have been a part of the life of the church for a year or more. The Session voted to receive them as members of the church. They will be received at a public worship service on May 15th.

Rev. Anderson also reported that the Worship service on May 15th would be dedicated to Paul Stephens, Sr. who was a charter member of Countryside and died on May 7, 1983.   Rev. Anderson will officiate at the marriage of Howard Aksel Jespersen and Carol Ann Mathies on May 21st at Countryside.    

Trustee Report: The Session voted to raise the use fee for the church facilities: Sanctuary $50 use fee and $50 cleaning deposit. Social hall with kitchen privileges $50 use fee and $50 cleaning deposit.  The chimes are being repaired and Rev. Anderson suggested that a new electrical box be put in for them. The Session voted for approval

Floris and Ruth Mast’s membership record should be listed on the official record as having joined Countryside Community Church on January 1, 1925. The Mast’s have a certificate to show when they became members. The Session voted to correct the records.

Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.

July 7, 1983. Special Session Minutes.  The purpose of the meeting was to receive the financial reports for the past quarter and to review the Long Range plan. Session members spent some time discussing the responsibility of the Session when funds are spent. It was a consensus of the Session when a large sum is needed the Session should know.   The Long Range Improvement Committee; due to a lack of communication, there was a misunderstanding and there was a need of clarifying the committee’s authority on approval of projects to be done using the Special funds raised and the $15,000 from savings. Rev. Anderson and the committee chairman reviewed the list of projects, giving the estimate of cost for each. Session voted to accept the tentative plans of the Committee’s Report. It was voted that the committee need not come before Session prior to each project, but the committee should report at each Session meeting the progress and anticipated work or changes, cost of project, etc.  Being no other business the meeting was closed with prayer. 

July 19, 1983. Session Minutes. The meeting was opened with prayer. The minutes of the July 7th meeting were read. A motion was made to amend the minutes to read concerning the payment and purchase of any item over $150.00. The motion was when a purchase is over $150.00, Session is to be advised. The motion was approved.   Linda Creamer and Gretchen Adams requested the use of rooms for a Child Care Center. After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded to not grant the request. Motion carried.   Long Range Committee report - Janet Hayes reported that the Committee accepted the bid from Hydro Express for sandblasting plus cleaning up of the gutters for $1,200. Accepted the bid of $750 from Woodland Glass for glass work. Accepted to hire Mr. Nesmith to do the carpentry work at $7.00 per hour.  They are working on bids for painting the inside and outside of the church and for the raingutters.  It has been difficult to find persons interested in bidding on the projects. Session voted to accept the report.

August 16, 1983. Session Minutes.  Rev. Anderson officiated at the funeral of Elder Floris Mast on July 28th.

Long Range Committee. Roof on the Manse was awarded to Wilson & Son for $1,750, work warranted for 3 years.  Roof on the Christian Ed building was awarded to Wilson & Son for $1,750, work warranted for 2 years.  They will also work on the lower overhang on the south side for $1000.   Sanctuary window cost was $750, reduced by $150 because of the prep work done on the work day by church members.  Rev. Anderson and the committee removed the green folding doors in the sanctuary and also all of the wood trim where they were attached.

Interior painting of the Sanctuary was awarded to Town and Country Painting Co. for painting work inside the sanctuary and the outside eaves and trim.  Rev. Anderson will paint the manse.  Rev. Anderson reported that the overhang on the south side of the C.E. building should be changed to a new roof with a 2/12 pitch so that no water would lay on top.  Carpet cleaning in the sanctuary was not part of the plan, but the pews will be removed to be painted. Session voted to have it cleaned professionally. 

Memorial Fund. It was recommended that new signatures be added to the Memorial Fund account due to Madeline Bradshaw’s illness. Session approved that Don Warren, Robert Hayes and Jean Errington be added to the account with Madeline Bradshaw and that two persons be required to sign the checks.   Session approved for Mr. Vern Swartz to repair and tune the pianos and to have an organ repair person service the organ.

The meeting was adjourned with prayer in memory of our Beloved Brother in Christ, Floris Mast, who died on July 24, 1983. He was a dedicated member and friend. He will be greatly missed by all.   Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.

October 11, 1983. Session Minutes.  Church Insurance - Don Warren recommends that Countryside apply to Western Insurance Assoc., Presbytery’s insurance company. The premiums are cheaper than Taber and Warren Insurance. Session approved.

The Long Range Committee written report of income and expenses was reviewed. Total income to date - $16,349.65. Total expenses to date - $11,341.72.  Painting will be completed in the sanctuary soon, the total is $4000, and is not included in the above expenses.

Memorial Fund Committee.  The Memorial Committee recommends spending the additional $150 to update the chimes.  Recommends the purchase of Bibles for the pews plus additional paperback Bibles for approximately $210.   Recommends the purchase of an AMP system that the church is trying at a cost of $350.  $100.00 has been donated if approved.

Mrs. Alice Stephens would like to have funds received in memory of Paul Stephens used for the outside AMP system for the chimes. The cost is approximately $3,000.  The recommendation was to use $1,500 from the Memorial Fund. Mrs. Stephens would donate the balance in Paul’s memory.  Don Warren made a motion to accept the recommendations and give the committee permission to make these purchases from the Memorial Fund.

December 13, 1983. Session Minutes. Trustees Report- Bob Hayes reported that he, his sons and two of his working men removed the old water storage tank from under the crawl space in the sanctuary because it was rusted out. They hauled it out to the dump and reconnected the pipes. The rain gutters are being installed. He helped Frank move his equipment from the storage room to the Warren barn. He donated rice for the Christmas food baskets. The lower awning on the C.E. building will be fixed soon.

Frank reported that the basement walls are leaking again.

The chimes - Frank reported that the repair on the chimes was $786, paid by the Memorial Fund. The amplification system including speakers and drivers has been installed. The Memorial Fund paid  $1,375. Mrs. Alice Stephens gave a check for $1,000 to the Memorial Fund to help pay the balance. The other part of the system is on consignment for a period of two months as noted by Don Warren. Funds must be raised for this last part or they will be removed.  Meeting was adjourned with prayer.


November 2024