October 2024
The first inauguration of Ronald Reagan as the 40th president was held on January 20, 1981 at the West Front of the White House. It was the first inauguration to be held on the building’s west side.
March 30, 1981. An assassination attempt on President Reagan by John Hinkley who fired a revolver 6 times, injuring the President and critically injuring Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy and Police Officer Thomas Delahanty. All injured persons recovered and President Reagan returned to office after twelve days in hospital.
YoloArts (formerly known as the Yolo County Arts Council), a non-profit organization, founded in 1981 as a recommendation of the Yolo County Cultural Plan to further the arts and culture of the county. Their mission is to cultivate and advocate support for all the arts, to participate in the advancement of arts education in schools and community, and to foster communication among artists, business, education, government and the residents of Yolo County.
May 12, 1981. Session Minutes. A letter from Synod of the Pacific, Boyd Stockdale, concerning the Pastor Seeking Committee. They are requesting the Session have the committee stop working at this time. Action of the Session: The Session voted to write to Mr. Stockdale extending an invitation to the members of the Ministerial Relations Department (Norm Potts, Bob Dooling, Boyd Stockdale, and Bob Graham) to meet with the Session and clarify what “the wide variety of concerns that have been raised.”
Officer Nominating Committee Report: The committee has contacted Henning Erickson and Jean Errington to serve as Ruling Elders. Jean to fill the term of Everett Lisle and Henning to fill the term of Bill Rominger. Norma Garrison to serve as church treasurer. They recommend that these persons be presented to the congregation for election. Also the committee recommends that the by-laws be changed to correspond with the Presbyterian Law book on the election of Ruling Elders as follows:
No ruling elder shall be elected to the session for a term of more than three years nor shall a ruling elder serve on the session for consecutive terms either full or partial, aggregating more than six years. A ruling elder having been elected to the session for consecutive terms aggregating six years shall be ineligible to serve thereon for a further term until at least one year has elapsed from the expiration of the last term for which that person was elected. The Session voted to call for a special congregational meeting on May 31, 1981, following the worship service at 12 noon to present these persons and to change the by-laws.
May 31, 1981. Special Congregational Meeting Minutes. A quorum of members were present. Rev. Anderson moderated. Don Warren recommended Henning Erickson and Jean Errington as ruling Elders to fill the terms of Everett Lisle and Bill Rominger and recommended Norma Garrison to serve as church treasurer. A motion was made and by unanimous ballot the Moderator declared them elected. The nominating committee also recommended the by-laws of the church conform with the Presbyterian Law Book. A motion was made and carried that the by-Laws be changed to conform. Being no other business, the meeting was closed with prayer.
June 16, 1981. Session Minutes. The Sacramento Presbytery Ministerial Relations has changed Rev. Anderson’s call as interim to stated supply for Countryside. Possibly for a one year duration, the committee will meet here in Esparto with the Session to clear some of their concerns and their reason for requesting the CCC pastor seeking committee to discontinue meeting at this time. Meeting will be here at the church on July 2 at 8p.m. all session members are to be present. Presbytery says it wants CCC to have a good appraisal of itself. Rev. Anderson requested that the committee for pastor relationship between Guinda and CCC be reorganized. This is to evaluate the working of the yoke arrangements. Lonnie Barr and Tom Spiva will be on the committee. Mary Anne Schaupp will be contacted. Rev. Anderson has offered his services to work with the high school football team this fall. Session voted to have Valoree Bahlman paint the highway signs for the church and to install the new inserts.
July 14, 1981. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported plans are for a youth event for college and high school ages on July 15th. It will be a social event with a barbecue and showing of a film. He shared his view of the meeting of the Presbytery Ministerial Relations committee which met here on July 2. Plans are for an inter-church relationship committee to meet and set-up recommendations describing pastor’s role and compensation. This committee will be three members from Countryside Session and three from the Guinda Board. Rev. Anderson will serve ex-officio but without a vote. Rev. Anderson stated that he will be moving to Esparto to serve full time…Session took no action on this… as stated in Mr. Anderson’s call as interim pastor in March, his call would come-up for review in September.
September 8, 1981. Session Minutes. Review of Pastor’s Call: Rev. Anderson read a letter from the Guinda Church concerning the share of the pastor's salary. After some discussion Session voted to accept the proposal as follows with the exception of the $50 office expenses. Salary $12,300 - Guinda’s share is $4100 or ⅓; mileage $1800 - Guinda’s share $900 or ½; Pension is $885 - Guinda’s share is ⅓; study leave is $250. The proposal also includes Countryside providing the manse. The value of the manse is figured at $2455. Pension is based on salary and housing - 18% of $14,755. This proposal is effective October 1, 1981 to January 1, 1982 if both churches agree. Financial Report: July income was $4467.22 and expenses were $4812.64. July income includes funds from the Women’s Auxiliary for remodeling the kitchen, $2800 was paid out from the General Fund under kitchen expenses. August income was $2448.04 and expenses were $1774.42. The Jr. Girl Scouts requested use of a room again for their meetings. Betty Koeppen is the leader. Session voted for permission and waived the use fee. The Session approved the Ruth Circle to have a door-way and door installed between the new social hall and class room. The Circle had offered to pay the cost. The Session voted to officially dismiss the pastor seeking committee and send a note of appreciation for their work.
October 13, 1981. Session Minutes. A letter from Synod concerning the Supplementary Salary fund was read. No action was taken at this time.
Rev. Anderson presented the mission design for the church to the Session. The design was compiled from all the information which was gathered at the monthly meetings during the past five months. The design basically calls for a reorganization of the session committees and better commitment by all members of the church. The Session voted to accept the design and present it to the congregation at the stewardship dinner meeting. Also presented to the Session was the list of needs of improvement to the facilities. Rev. Anderson requested for a special meeting with Rev. Stockdale to share with him some of the work progressing here in Esparto and concerning the pastor’s call. All session members are to be present.
Stewardship Report: Don Warren presented the challenge budget for 1982. Total budget comes to $41,830. This includes Guinda’s share of the pastor’s compensation. The budget also includes a separate item under Capital improvements of $10,000. The plan is for the congregation to raise $5000 and that $5000 to be used from the savings. Plans are being made for a Halloween party on Saturday night, October 31. Lonnie Hemphil told the session that the Ruth Circle and the Women’s Auxiliary had offered to pay the cost of installing the island for serving the food in the social hall. The Session voted to accept their offer. But the bill for doing the work would go through the church treasury. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Anderson.
November 10, 1981. Session Minutes. Rev. Anderson reported high school counseling is going well. He has been asked to serve on the Community Discipline action committee at the high school. He will have a new members class on Tuesday evenings. Meeting of the inter-church committee on December 2 here in Esparto. Session voted to have Sierra Stone Co. resurface the stairway and decking on the C.E. building. Rev. Anderson received an estimate of $756. The work will start with good weather. Session voted to purchase a security light for the east end of the C.E. building and ask Mr. Knoole to install it. The manse bathroom is in need of repair - Frank was instructed to have Mark Vanderwater do the work. A special meeting will be held on November 24 to deal with the needs and repairs to the facility and to finalize the budget. Stewardship Report: Don Warren reported that as of this date, a total of $13,031 has been pledged. He hopes to reach our budget. Offering envelopes will be ordered. As there was no further business, closed with prayer.
November 24, 1981. Special Session Minutes. The purpose of the meeting was to accept the budget as revised for presentation to the congregation at the annual meeting in January. After some discussion the Session voted to accept the budget as revised in the total amount of $42,830. The second item was the needs and improvements to the facility. The list of needs was reviewed and prioritized. Session approved for Henning Ericksonro to see if his son would repair the restroom toilets. Frank will make a list of the most important items that were discussed and have Mark Vanderwater give an estimate of cost of material and labor. Frank also requested that the oven in the manse be repaired. As there was no other business the meeting was closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jean Errington, Clerk of Session.