July 2024
1980. Ronald Reagan was elected 40th President of the United States. George H. W. Bush was elected Vice President. Jerry Brown was California’s Governor.
On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens volcano erupted killing 57 persons and triggering the largest landslide ever recorded. It completely destroyed an area of 230 square miles in a matter of 5 - 9 minutes. It essentially killed everything within that area. The dense forests inside the inner blast zone were reduced to ash. Trees farther away were damaged by the searing heat. Lahars, massive mudflows, formed rapidly from melting ice and snow, damaging homes, roads and bridges in nearby communities. However, over the past decades, these areas have slowly rebounded with new life. It now stands 1300 feet shorter than before the eruption and is still the most active volcano in the Cascade Range and considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the U.S..
February 12, 1980. Session Minutes. Mr. McClane was officially installed as Pastor and Moderator on February 10, 1980. Mr. McClane announced he would be making some changes in the order of worship and he suggested the Session establish a policy on use of the C.E. building - basically for the youth groups to use for C.E. activities. To have adult supervision at all times. He requested that the Jr. High Class that meets in the social hall, use the room upstairs for their class and that all C.E. classes use the C.E. building, with one exception. The handicap class would use the old pastors' study off of the sanctuary. The Session voted to approve this request. He would like to start new youth programs at his discretion.
March 11, 1980. Session Minutes. Trustees Report. Joe Bradshaw reported that the State Fire Marshall requested that all door bolt locks and chains be removed from the Christian Ed building and to replace the fire extinguisher with a new one, so that we would meet the State fire code. With approval of the Trustees, Jean Errington removed all the bolt locks and chains and purchased an approved fire extinguisher. Mr. McClane reported that the roof on the manse is still leaking. Joe will talk to Don Warren about getting it fixed. Also the yard on the west side of the manse needs to be leveled. Mr. McClane suggested that we look at the possibility of putting the lights on a timer and that a light be installed at the east end of the C.E. building. He also suggested that the east and south gates entering the courtyard be locked at night. The Session voted to accept the report.
May 13, 1980. Session Minutes. Pastor’s Report. Mr. McClane reported that things are going well. Eileen Raymond is working with him and the primary choir and fellowship group. The Senior High group is going well. Greg & Becky Linton are working with this group. They are going on a retreat May 30-31 and June 1. He will go with the group, a pulpit supply will be needed for Sunday, June 1. The Guinda Senior group will also join in this retreat. Mr. McClane revealed to the Session the state of his health. The news wasn’t good. He said that he was terminally ill with what is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, that in a short time he would be incapacitated and he would not be able to use his arms and eventually be bed-ridden. He will try to do as much as he can with the short time he will have. The members of Session were shocked with this report. He also stated he would like some time off this summer to be with his children. The Session voted permission for Mr. McClane to proceed with his plans of installing a sink and 220 wiring upstairs. The youth groups will attempt to raise the funds for the project themselves. No funds would be needed from the general fund unless necessary. Mr. McClane reported the membership class was very good with 6 persons attending and that they had requested another meeting.
June 10, 1980. Session Minutes. The Rev. McClane presented Ted Howard, Ellen Peckham, Greg Gordon Linton and Rebecca Lynn Linton for membership to the church. After examination, Session voted to receive Ted Howard on profession of faith; Ellen (Tandy) Peckham on profession of faith and baptism; and Greg and Rebecca Linton on letter of transfer from the Church of Christ of Fairfield, CA.
Rose Russell, president of the Women’s Auxiliary, presented a request from the Auxiliary . At the last Auxiliary meeting the women voted to request moving the social hall area and kitchen facilities to the lower east room of the C.E. building so that all persons would have easy access to all circle meetings and social events. This move would eliminate the need of going up and down the stairs. The Auxiliary went ahead and got an estimate from Mr. Glenn Warren, Sr. so that the Session would have some idea how much the cost would be. That estimate was $3500. Rose also stated that the Auxiliary women thought that this project, if undertaken, that the funds could come from the building fund given to the church by the Barbara Fredericks Estate. Rose excused herself from the meeting to give the Session an opportunity to discuss the matter. After some discussion, Rev. McClane called for a motion. The Session voted that they agreed with the principle of the project as a good move, but felt more study was needed to work out some problems and feasibility of the project. The Session members did comment on what problems this move would create for the Day Care Program that is now here at the church. A committee was appointed by Rev. McClane to work on recommendations and problems. The committee consisted of Mary Lewis, Joe Bradshaw, Lonnie Barr, and Jean Errington as convener. The committee is to report at the next Session meeting on August 17.
Rev. McClane would like to have Lea Hall serve as Children's Program co-ordinator for children’s programs under Jr. Hi level. Lea has accepted. He has established a Countryside Christian Youth Club. He would like to see a council established for the C.E. department other than the Sunday school teachers.
The Session voted Rev. McClane permission for his vacation time for 4 weeks in July and that pulpit supply would be needed for July 6, 13, 20, and 27. He will make the arrangements. (Vacation was granted at this time due to his illness and that his children would be on summer vacation from school.)
Rev. McClane read a letter of resignation from Ruling Elder Lea Hall requesting the Session accept her resignation as ruling elder as of this date. She felt that she could do more for the church in another position. The Session voted to accept Lea’s resignation with appreciation of her past service to the Session and to the church and hope she will continue her faithful service to the church.
August 12, 1980. Session Minutes. Report from Committee on Social Hall and Kitchen change. (Session voted that the complete report be included in Session minutes.)
A survey was taken of the communicant members on their reaction to moving the social hall and kitchen to the large east room on the ground floor of the C.E. building. The reaction was mostly favorable. The committee invited Mr. Nicholson, an architectural engineer to come and evaluate the possibility of an alternative to moving, such as, the building of a ramp into the basement. His comment was that the cost and the meeting of building codes would probably make it prohibitive. The committee recommends the move. The committee toured the C.E. building and felt that we have sufficient rooms available to accommodate all the C.E. classes if the social hall and kitchen were moved over to the C.E. building. We recommend moving all classes from kindergarten through sixth grade to upstairs. Nursery and the baby room to stay as is. Change the present teachers room into a classroom. If a teachers room is needed, the room now being used as a junk room and storage for Mr. McClane’s personal property could be used for this purpose. That the junior and senior high classes share the use of the present social hall and kitchen as their classroom and social hall, the present kitchen to stay as equipped. We recommend that no kitchen facilities be installed in the upstairs classrooms. Two committee members felt that if possible, utility sinks be installed in each classroom (one classroom is already plumbed for a sink). Also, a toilet and wash basin be installed in the small room located directly above the men’s restroom. We the committee members find no solution to the problem this move will create for the Day Care Center presently using the rooms. We do have feelings and concerns for this program and what reactions and relationships this would create in the community if the Center is asked to move. This move may create some negative reaction in the Community toward the church. However, even with all the ramifications this may cause, we the committee recommend that the Session approve the moving of the social hall and the installation of a new kitchen and the shifting of the classes as recommended. The committee also recommends that at least two estimates of cost of the project be received and evaluated before accepting a contract. All work should be under a written contract with description of materials being used. If the Session approves the continuation of the project, Mr. Nicholson has offered to draw-up the plans.
Action of the Session: It was the consensus of the Session to present this report to the congregation at a special meeting. The Session voted for the committee to continue their work on this project by getting a working blue-print and bids of the work (at least 2). If there is a cost for the plans by Mr. Nicholson, the Session voted to give permission for the committee to spend the money. The committee is to make a progress report at the next meeting on September 9.
Respectively submitted, Jean Errington. Clerk of Session.