April 2023
1958 saw the merger of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America and the United Presbyterian Church in North America, establishing the fourth largest Protestant denomination in America known as the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America.
Plans for a new education building were developed and a gift of $1000.00 a year was pledged by the Auxiliary. A building committee was appointed to take care of all matters pertaining to planning and financing the project. Paul Stephens, Jr. was the Trustee chosen as chairman.
Most women did not work outside of the home and were very active in volunteer work, including the following:
The Auxiliary. Met four times a year and all women of the church were invited. Luncheon was served by one of the Women’s circles. They would hold a rummage sale and participate in the annual Bazaar and dinner. Money was given for the upkeep of the Scout Cabin and for a nursery for small children that was held there every Sunday morning. Angela Small was President for 1959.
The Naomi Circle. For three months of the year they were responsible for decorating the church. Their meetings were held on Monday afternoons and were devoted mainly to quilting. They served one Auxiliary luncheon during the year and all other suppers. They enjoyed a covered dish luncheon on the first Monday of each month. Helene Rominger was Chairman in 1959.
The Martha Circle. They would meet every Tuesday afternoon to quilt. They were responsible for decorating the church for three months of the year. They served one Auxiliary luncheon during the year and on other lunches. They donated their proceeds to the Benevolence Fund. Marion Blakeway was Chairman in 1959.
The Ruth Circle. They met every Wednesday with devotional readings and a luncheon every third Wednesday. One member was an officer of the Auxiliary, two worked in the Sunday School, three members were Trustees of the church. The organist and assistant organist were also members. They decorated the church three months of the year, served a Jitney dinner, held a picnic for members and families in the park and participated at the Bazaar and donated a food box at Christmastime. Fern Jager was Secretary in 1959.
The Priscilla Circle. Their main activity was the National and Foreign Missions Program. For the National mission, they took a sewing quota from the loyal Presbyterial, which included material for layettes and blankets for the Embudo Presbyterian Hospital in New Mexico. The Foreign Mission project was for the Cebu Hospital in the Philippine Islands. They also helped with Jitney suppers, decorating the church, rummage sales and the Bazaar. Rosy Wanshop was Chairman in 1959.
The Missionary Guild. The members were the older women of the church. They met on the first Friday of each month and making money was not the primary aim; however, they pledged $40.00 to the General Mission budget of the church. Each meeting a hostess would provide a luncheon, after which a business session would be called. Favorite scripture verses were read, a lesson study and a devotional followed. They worked on bedding for the Home of Faith and were interested in this type of work for children. They contributed to the Benevolence fund to support the Winships, the church’s missionaries. Ruth Wyatt, Chairman.
January 18, 1959. “A meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the Countryside Community Church is called for January 25, 1959, immediately following the morning worship service for the purpose of considering the requesting of aid of the Board of National Missions of the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America in the securing of funds for the proposed Christian Education Building.” It was moved by Roy Wyatt, seconded by Joe Bradshaw to issue the call at the morning Worship service. The motion carried.
The Building Committee members were: Paul Stephens, Jr., Joseph Bradshaw, Eleanor Durst, Millie Giguiere, Chester Parker, Anna Louise Stephens, Kris Giguiere, Elsie Rominger and Clarence Schaupp.
The Building Fund Campaign Committee members were: Paul Stephens, Chairman, Lloyd Rominger, Melvin Durst, Joseph Bradshaw, Jim Hansen, Chester Parker and Robert Lewis.
Christian Education Buildings were being visited for ideas. Letters were being prepared telling of the need for a new building and about the need for funding.