December 2022
December 1923 Friend Richardson was governor of California. It was also the first year of a “National” Christmas Tree in Washington D.C. Calvin Coolidge was President and he walked from the Elipse to light a 48-foot fir tree with 2,500 electric lights of red, white and green. Radios were popular gifts and broadcasted concerts and performances were the center of many parties.
December of 1943 Earl Warren was Governor. Franklin D. Roosevelt was President. Christmas was very creative because of continuing rationing for the war effort. Turkeys were particularly hard to find and alternative ingredients were used many times in cooking with traditional recipes. New recipes and methods were being developed as women were working outside of the house to fill positions vacated as more men were deployed. Traveling was difficult with gas and tire rationing and a 35-mph speed limit. Many gifts were handmade and mailed to loved ones across the nation and the world. The government encouraged war bonds as gifts.
On December 26, 1923, the lots for the site of the new church (corner of Grafton and Fremont Streets) were purchased from Chris Sieber. On January 27, 1924, the contract for the building of the church was given to K.C. Hinkle, contractor and builder, at a figure of $16,000, for the building material for the main building. Work was to be done at contract prices, and labor to be donated on the basement building. Sub-contracts were presented and accepted. Actual cost of the building was approximately $30,000 to be paid by pledges, subscriptions and donation of labor.
In December 1948, with acting Pastor Raymond Squires presiding, the following nine people were received for baptism: Raymond and Dorothy Emery, Mary Ann Taber, Everett F. and Ronald Parker, Ross and Diana Parker, Mabel Wright and Daniel McCampbell. Those nine people plus Alfred E. and Betty Jane Story, Vernon Korstad, Dustin L. and Naomi C. Hayes, Jack D. and Charlotte H. Mast were received into membership. The matter pertaining to the removal of the baptistry was introduced. An inspection was made and by a motion duly passed that Clarence Storm contact the building committee and contractor and make a report. H.G. Durst, Clerk.
January 7, 1949 Reverend Stewart Potter moderating, it was moved and second that the appointment of the board of Deacons as sponsors of the Boy Scout Group be accepted. Motion carried. Matters pertaining to the removal of the baptistry to enable more room was discussed. After a motion duly carried a recommendation be in order that the baptistry be removed and that the committee be discharged with thanks. Report of the Nominating Committee of Elders for new Elders were: Victor Vierra, Millard Woodson and Frank Nissen. By unanimous vote it was duly passed and accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delp were accepted to membership. In memory of Mrs. Edith Armstrong, the Christmas tree donated to this church for 1948 Christmas programs was by Mr. R.O. Armstrong, her husband. H.G. Durst, Clerk