January 2023
A New Year.
1923 was a part of the Jazz Age and it was a year of prosperity and bootleggers. Warren G. Harding was President. Calvin Coolidge was Vice President. The new California Governor was Friend Richardson.
On January 1, 1923 playing in the 9th Rose Bowl, Southern California beat Penn State, 14 – 3.
In early 1923, the Eli Lilly Company made a breakthrough in the mass production of highly refined insulin and offered it for sale to the public to treat diabetes, a disorder that had been previously thought of as fatal.
A whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine was developed.
The first home game was played at the new Yankee Stadium home of the New York Yankees, between the NY Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. The 1st game ended with the Yankees beating the Red Sox by 4-1, with Babe Ruth hitting a three-run home run into right field.
Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction was: “One of Ours” by Willa Cather (America), and for Literature: William B. Yeats (Ireland).
The Annual Meeting in January 1952 minutes include a report by the Marthas Woman’s group. It reads, “Quilting is still the principal occupation of the group, and as we stitch, stitch, stitch around the quilt, we assure you all is not work and no play. One of our younger members, wiping her eyes from laughter after an especially hilarious afternoon remarked, “one does not really feel the need of a Movie in Esparto. Just join the Marthas!’” Ray Squires was Student Pastor.
The Annual Meeting, January 7, 1953, opened with prayer by Rev. Raymond P. Squires. Mrs. Melvin Durst reported on improvements made in the church in the past year: tile was installed on the floor of the social hall; acoustic tile on the ceiling; folding doors both down stairs and in the sanctuary. She reported a collection of $503.30; $400.07 of which was paid on the folding doors. The balance was for miscellaneous supplies for the door's installation. The bill was paid in full. The Auxiliary report was given by Mrs. R.R. Emmerton. The Auxiliary consists of four circles, a new one having been organized this past year, the Priscillas. They meet four times per year. They sponsored a cooking school for the P.G.&E. About 90 ladies attended and they received 25 cents for each person present. On election day the Priscillas had a food sale in front of Wyatt’s store. They made $103.00. The largest project of the Auxiliary was the purchase of Modern Fold Doors for the social hall and the Sanctuary. With the combined efforts and many generous gifts, the bill was paid in full. Gratitude was expressed from the Auxiliary to the church members and friends who contributed their time and money, for putting down the tile floor and the insulation on the ceiling as well the clean-up and painting.